"It would have been awkward if I hadn't made it to my first real gig."

"I still worried," she said. "You don't need to do anything until after the fights, so you can watch me – I mean them – and just have fun. The venue said they'll have an amp brought out for you toward the end. There isn't a stage, but they'll set aside a small area for you."

The woman behind Pyrrha cleared her throat. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, Pyrrha?"

"Oh right. Mom, this is Jaune. Jaune, this is my mom – Athena."

The woman was only ten levels or so higher than Pyrrha. A huntress, though not even close to Qrow or Raven. She was young too. He got the feeling she'd had Pyrrha soon after graduating and then decided to cut back on being a huntress to raise her. It'd explain why she was such a comparatively low level.

Jaune offered his hand, and she took it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am, and thank you for setting all this up."

The woman blinked. "Setting what up?"

"The live performance. This event. Pyrrha told me you suggested I play here."

Athena's eyes slid to Pyrrha, and a slow smile spread across her face. "Oh, that!" she said, covering her lips with her other hand and laughing. "There's nothing to thank me for. I'm sure I just did what any good mother would. In fact, I hardly even remember suggesting it at all." Pyrrha made a strangled noise. "But I suppose I must have been the one to suggest it. Who else could it have possibly been?"

"M—Mom," whined Pyrrha.

"Oh, come now. I'm only teasing. You should sit with me through the tournament, Jaune. I've a feeling I should get to know you better."


"I'll also keep him safe from all the vultures in the VIP box. We wouldn't want him to be snatched away by anyone, would we?"

Pyrrha had her face in her hands. "Mom. Please stop."

Jaune had the feeling this was a conversation with subtext he wasn't privy to, but there wasn't much time to ask because several more people entered the VIP box and began signalling to Pyrrha.

"It looks like you're needed, darling."

"Ah." Pyrrha sighed. "Yeah, I guess they need me for a pre-fight photo op or something. Damn it." She turned back to Jaune. "Sorry to run so early. I wish I could show you around and be a better host."

"But you've got work. It's fine. Good luck out there."

Pyrrha smiled wryly. "I'm not sure I need luck. Make sure to watch me, okay?"

"Who else am I going to be watching?"

"I—I don't know. But you have to watch me—"

"Miss Nikos, please," called one of the people.

"I'm coming!" Pyrrha turned to jog away. "I'll see you later, Jaune. Cheer for me!"

The group left in a hurry, no doubt having a lot to do. Most people here were just coming to watch but, like him, Pyrrha had a job to do and that meant a lot of stuff in the background that no one else thought about.

"So..." said Athena, leading Jaune toward the bar. "Let's get ourselves a drink and you can tell me all about yourself and how you met Pyrrha – because my daughter has been cripplingly low on detail when it comes to you." Athena giggled. "Why, it's almost like I didn't know you existed at all! And it would be a shame not to know more about my daughter's new friend."

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