TMNT and RWBY Short #10

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It was supposed to be a regular night out in the city, but their time of peace and fun was rudely interrupted by the Foot.

Leo counters an attack from a Foot ninja and quickly kicks them toward Yang who grabs them and slams them into the ground. Raising her arm, Yang blocks a sword with her gauntlet and sends the Foot ninja into the air with an uppercut and punches them away. Blake wrapped her weapon around the ninja's waist and swung them around in circles. Striking several Foot ninjas before letting the ninja go as they flew straight into a billboard.

Raph catches a Foot ninja's sword with his sais and snaps off the blade before he sweeps the ninja's leg and crushes him under his shell. He quickly rolls off and kicks a Foot ninja off the roof while Donnie uses his bo staff to lift the Foot ninja that was still on the ground and pushes them towards Weiss who uses a glyph to send him flying towards the edge of the roof where he was quickly clotheslined by Ruby's scythe. Causing him to fall down the steps of the fire escape until he fell straight into a dumpster. The ninja groaned as he held his head in pain as he stood up from inside the dumpster when Mikey suddenly slammed the lid on his head, knocking them out cold.

However, as Mikey looked back at the group of unconscious ninjas on the ground behind him, he suddenly noticed a Foot ninja getting away in the distance.

Mikey: "Hey"! "We got a runner"!

Ruby: "I'll get him"!

Ruby yells before she rushes off after the Foot ninja with her semblance. Quickly catching up to them in no time at all as Ruby reformed from the cloud of rose petals and drop kicked the Foot ninja in the back and sending them flying into a brick wall.

But just as Ruby was about to celebrate her victory, her body suddenly started glowing brightly.

Yang: "RUBY"!

Ruby looked back to see the others rushing up to her with Yang reaching out to grab her. Ruby did the same and reached out to her sister. But right when they were about to grab each other's hand, Ruby's vision was suddenly blinded by a bright light, causing her to trip and fall to the ground. Groaning, she shook her head and pushed herself off the ground. Looking around at her surroundings, she found herself standing in the middle of the city street, however, it was not a place she recognized. The city she now found herself in shared little to no resemblance to Vale and something about this place just seemed...wrong. Not to mention the most glaring detail that told her that she was not in Remnant anymore was the fact that the moon was full rather than shattered.

Ruby: "Where am I"?

Ruby asks, still confused as to how she got here in the first place. She was so busy looking around at her new surroundings that she failed to notice how she was drawing attention from the citizens around her. But it wasn't long before the local authorities arrived on the scene and had Ruby surrounded.

The first thing that Ruby noticed about this police force, however, was that they were all Foot ninjas. But not the regular Foot ninjas she was familiar with, oh no. These Foot ninjas resembled Atlesian Knights, the robotic soldiers of the Kingdom of Atlas. Many of them unsheathed their swords while others pointed their guns at her.

Foot Soldier: "Halt"!

Ruby flinched at how machine-like and emotionless the Foot ninja sounded.

Foot Soldier: "Hands in the air"!

Seeing that she was outnumbered, Ruby raised her hands above her head to surrender, but not before revealing she had taken a few smoke pellets out from her bag and thrown them to the ground. Creating a large cloud of smoke that blinded the Foot ninjas' vision and allowed Ruby to use her semblance to quickly rush past them and into the shadows. The Foot ninjas quickly gave chase and pursued her through the alleyways. All the while a mysterious shadowy figure watching from the rooftops observed the whole situation as he decided to follow.

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