TMNT and RWBY Short #2

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Weiss: "I don't know about this Donnie".

Weiss said nervously while sitting in the seat of a BMX bike.

Donnie: "Relax, Weiss, it's easy". "I'll be right beside you".

Weiss: *sighs* "Okay, I trust you".

Donnie: "Good, now start pedaling".

Weiss did as Donnie instructed and started pedaling, which made the bike move forward. Donnie kept his hands on Weiss' shoulders to keep her steady. They continued to do laps around the lair until Donnie thought that Weiss could handle it on her own.

Donnie: "Okay, Weiss, I'm going to let you go".

Weiss: "What"?!

Donnie: "Trust me, you've got this".

Says Donnie as he lets go of Weiss which causes her to lose control for a second before she quickly regains her balance.

Weiss: "I'm...I'm doing it". "I'm doing it"!

Donnie: "You're doing it, Weiss"!

Weiss: "I'm doing it"!

But then a thought occurred to Weiss. Since she could handle riding a bike on her own now, she wondered whether or not she could handle riding one that was boosted by her semblance. Wanting to test it out, she quickly summoned a glyph in front of her and rode over it. Unfortunately, she didn't account for how much of a boost the glyph would give her as Weiss suddenly found herself speeding towards the lair's exit and accidentally ran Leo over as she went speeding out of the lair.

Out in the city, two police officers were on a nightly patrol when Weiss suddenly came out of nowhere and crashed through their police car. Making the vehicle split in half. One half crashed into a street lamp while the other half crashed through the wall of a building where a man taking a shower could only star in shock because there was half a police car sitting in his bathroom.

Elsewhere, a huntsman was fighting a losing battle against a beowolf. But just before the beowolf could finish him off, Weiss suddenly came speeding out of nowhere and rushed past the huntsman who had to quickly stab his sword into the ground because of the strong wind. When he opened his eyes, he saw that beowolf he was fighting was missing the upper half of its body.

At Beacon Academy, Cinder Fall was coming up with another one of her nefarious plans when she suddenly heard screaming outside her dorm room. Curious, Cinder walked over and opened the door and the first thing she experienced the moment she did so was the front wheel of the BMX bike Weiss was riding colliding against her face and breaking her skull as Weiss crashed through the dorm window.

Out in the ocean, a kraken, a type of Grimm that took on the appearance of a giant squid, was about to surface above the water when Weiss suddenly rushed by. The kraken, having been frightened, released ink before wisely rushing back into deeper waters.

Inside the throne room of a dark castle, Salem sat on her throne when Weiss suddenly came crashing through the wall and collided with her. The result was Weiss not only causing the entirety of Salem's castle to collapse but also making it so that all that was left of Salem were just her arms and legs.

In Haven Academy, Headmaster Lionheart was sorting some paperwork and turned around for a split second when Weiss crashed through his office. When he turned around, he suddenly didn't have a desk and could also see all of the instructors in their classrooms with their students through the holes that were made when Weiss crashed through them.

Back in Vale, inside one of the Atlas airships, an Atlas soldier was minding his own business when a message was given over the loudspeaker.

Loudspeaker: "Enemy cruise missile incoming"!

Atlas Soldier: "Enemy what"?

The next thing anyone knew, Weiss came flying out of nowhere on her bike and crashed through the airship, causing the large ship to crash into the city while Weiss crashed through the ground.

Back in the lair, everyone had gathered around Leo who had been run over by Weiss earlier when the heiress in question suddenly crashed through the lair's ceiling and headed straight for them.



Donnie yelled as he quickly sat up from his bed panting as he recovered from the terrible dream he just had. Sighing in relief, Donnie got out of bed and left his room to get a glass of water when Weiss suddenly approached him with a BMX bike in hand.

Weiss: "Hello Donnie, do you think you could teach me to ride a bike"?

Donnie: "No". "NO"! "NOOOOOOOOOOO"!

Donnie yelled as he ran away screaming before quickly coming back with a sledgehammer in his hands which he used to strike the bike. He kept smashing it until the bike was reduced to nothing but a pile of scrap.

Donnie panted in exhaustion as he stared down at the weapon of mass destruction that he had just destroyed. Dropping the sledgehammer to the ground, Donnie walked back to his room whilst oblivious to how his brothers, Team RWBY, and Master Splinter were all staring at him with their mouths agape after what they'd just seen.

The End

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