Chapter 3: The Gods

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Medusa takes the trio with her as they headed towards her temple, then they saw two smaller girls that looked like twins wearing white dresses and the same purple hair.

"Sister?" One on the right questions.

"What?" Medusa asked.

"What is going on?" The other questions.

"We have guests." She said.

"This is surprising sister." The first one said.

"Yes. You usually kill all men who come here." The other said.

"What are your names?" Joshua asked.

"I am Stheno." The first one said.

"And I am Euryale." The second one said.

"Well i'm Joshua and these are Bruce and JJ." Joshua said.

"Why are you here?" Stheno questions

"To gaze at our beauty?" Euryale questions.

"No. Besides we're not into kids." Bruce said hurting their pride.

"Kids!" They said.

"Yeah. You two have the appearances of kids while Medusa have the appearance a full grown woman who has a good figure." JJ said.

"We're the older sisters." Euryale said.

"Yes, I bet your saying that because your hidding how you feel." Stheno said.

Bruce frowns and stretches her cheeks. "Heres how I feel!"

"Oww! Letch go of me!" She demands.

Her sisters got surprised as Bruce wasn't affected by her.

"Seriously you really think we'll be into you two because of your appearance?" Joshua questions.

Euryale looks at him. "Not even a bit."

"No." He said.

This makes the two sisters frown.

"We're not like those guys that just see other girls because they're pretty." Bruce said.

"We respect them more." Joshua said.

This surprises the three.

"What? You didn't expect us to see women as like inferior to us." Bruce said.

"Some men are like that." Medusa said.

"Not us since we got two girls as our allies and friends." Joshua said.

This surprises the three sisters.

"Yeah we have female friends." Bruce said.

"Though one can be a headache with her antics." JJ said.

"Well your all different than what we're used to. As many men come here for our blessings." Stheno said.

"Blessings for what?" Bruce questions.

Before she could answer they heard a roar and saw a griffin flying around.

"Not another one." Stheno said.

"We got this." Bruce said.

They took out they're decks as the belts appeared.

"Kamen Rider." The three said as they slot the decks in.

They transformed, Joshua became Axe, Bruce became Abyss and JJ became Strike.

They transformed, Joshua became Axe, Bruce became Abyss and JJ became Strike

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