Chapter 5 Artemis' Test

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Ryusei was in a forest by himself needing some alone time from other people. He then sighs.

"What is wrong with me?" He questions referring to what he did to the Chimera and to these Slave Traders.

He looks at himself and grunts, he can't let his feelings take over his mind. He then remembers a moment in his past that makes him sadly frown.

"That time."


About a year before he became Onyx he had grew up with two childhood friends. One was a boy with black hair and blue eyes and the other was a girl with long black hair and lavender colored eyes.. Their names were Asuma and Hikari. Ryusei had a crush on Hikari so one day he decided to confess to her.

"Ryusei guess what?!" Hikari said excitedly.

"What is it?" He questions.

"Me and Asuma are going out!" She said breaking Ryusei's heart.

"W-what?" He questions surprised and keeping his sadness off of his face.

"He confessed to me yesterday! I am so happy! I've loved him since childhood but was afraid to say something in order to not ruin our friendship." She said breaking his heart even more.

"Oh, well great for you two." He said.

"Thanks." She said really happy.

"Well I better go since I have something to do." Ryusei said leaving.

He goes to a alley and punches a dumpster leaving a dent in it. He tries his best to not cry but then some thugs surrounded him.

"Give us all you got now!" The leader said.

Ryusei glares at them, then they screamed as they got beaten up instead. He stands over they're bodies and he saw Jin looking at him.

"Who are you?" Ryusei questions with a glare.

"Calm down, my name is Jin."

"Well what do you want? Are you with them?" Ryusei gestures to the thugs.

"No, I was after them but it seems you got to them first." He said.

"Oh. Well what are you going do with them then?" Ryusei questions.

"I was going to send them to jail, as I work for a very special group." Jin said.

Ryusei raises a eyebrow as Jin looked like he was the name age as him.

"Do you have anything important to your life?" Jin asked.

"My family and friends." Ryusei said before remembering what happened earlier causing him to look away from Jin as he tries to hold back his sadness.

"I see, you lost a chance for love." Jin understood.

"How do you know that?!" Ryusei questions.

"I once loved someone too." Jin said.

Ryusei looks at him.

"So if you don't have anyone, how about you join us?" Jin said.

Ryusei thinks about it before deciding.

"Fine I will join." Ryusei said.

"Then come, as your life will change." He said.

At a base a group of scientists were making the teigus using the parts from Danger beasts. Jin and Ryusei were observing them from a observation window.

"I would suggest you be ready, your friends won't be needed if they don't care about how you feel." Jin said.

"What are they doing?" Ryusei questions.

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