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Violet is now eighteen, and grateful that she made a couple of friends at this stuckup academy. However, she hates that fear has turned her into a liar. Violet didn't want anyone knowing who her mother was, for two reasons. One, she doesn't believe in the games and her mom is the head game maker. Violet guessed right, that there had to be others who saw the games the way she did. Thank the stars for Lysistrata and Sejanus. The second reason? Violet did not want special treatment, or friends who would only use her to get in her mother's good graces.

Only Dean Casca Highbottom knows, he needed to know her actual name in order for her to be accepted. Violet was pleasantly surprised when she asked the man to keep it a secret, which he impassively complied with. On all of her homework, tests, and in her classes she is known as Violet Jones. The girl just had to run with that name. Highbottom quickly made her pick between Jones, or no last name at all. Of course she couldn't choose not to have a last name, that would've been a dead give away that she was hiding something.

Violet walked through the grand foyer of Heavensbee Hall, filled with a bunch of her schoolmates and adults she did not know. Violet started to maneuver through people, pulling on her fingers to calm herself down; she needs to find her friends. Being with them, will make today a lot more bearable. Today is reaping day. The day everyone in the districts and few compassionate people like Violet, in the capitol dread. Despite wearing a bright pink pantsuit that really brings out her deep brown eyes, she can't help but feel so grossed out by the thought that where you are born, unfairly determines if you deserve access to basic human needs, like enough food and clothes.

"So, when are you and Sejanus going to invite me to the wedding?"
Violet gasps at the sudden link of her arm with another; she sighs with relief seeing as it's only Lysistrata. Or Lyssie for short. Lysistrata is wearing dark clothing with a black blazer, which matches her braids the stunning girl has put into a bun while the rest are down. Violet chuckles as the two best friends continue walking. "Lyssie, you scared me! Also, would you pipe down? I haven't told him yet."
"Why not? I see the way you two look at each other."
Violet playfully rolls her eyes. "And how do we look at each other?"

Lysistrata was about to answer when she saw their classmates Festus, Arachne, Felix and Coriolanus huddled in a group. Violet subtly tries to pull away, knowing what's about to happen. Lysistrata tightens their linked arms. "Lyssie please, I don't want to go over there. You know I don't like them."
A crafty smile crosses Lyssie's face at Violet being oblivious. "I'm not doing this to torture you, I'm doing this for you. Look who's behind them."

Violet lifts her head to survey what the girl is getting at. Violet knows for a fact, that her heart skipped a beat. It always does when she sees him. Standing behind the group of well dressed bobble heads, is Violet's other friend and crush. Sejanus Plinth. The curly headed gentleman is in a scandalous blue tux, talking with his parents. Violet often recalls their meeting, in her head.

Violet mustered up the courage to find an empty table in the cafeteria. So far her classes have been going well, her teachers introduced her as Violet Jones. No one suspects a thing but, this is the girl's first time lying. Also, she feels like everyone knows, and they are just planning to catch her off guard. All she had to do was make it through lunch, and one more class; then she'd be home free.

"Ugh, watch it." Violet had been too caught up in her thoughts to notice that someone carrying a vitamin water, moved away from the line just as she did. The clash caused Violet's plate of mini tacos, to fall to the floor. "I'm so sorry, I didn't-"WHAT? See Me? The brunette girl scoffed. "You must be new here. The mean girls eyes narrowed. So let this be a lesson, watch where you are going. With a final glare she stalks off. Violet's eyes widened at how rude she was. Violet stretched an arm out to bring the girl back and do what? Violet didn't know. The chance was cut off by a cute boy with luxurious black curls, appearing in her field of vision.

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