The Server Corruption

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"Aren't you nervous to be back here, Gold?" Scarlet asked.

They were walking towards the fair that had shown up in town again. The fair that Gold had "died" in.

The whole thing gave him a bunch of bad memories, but the others wanted to go, and Gold was bored.

What better way to spend time with friends than go to the fair that killed you once upon a time, right?

"A little, but I've been more nervous for worse things. Besides, as long as I'm nowhere near that stupid Minecraft booth, I won't freak out."

"They might've closed it, probably." Sapphire quipped.

"The hell even happened?" Copper asked curiously.

Gold fiddled with the zipper on his hoodie. "Server corrupted while I was still in. I didn't even realize something was wrong until the sun turned black." He said subtly.

"Like an eclipse?" Scarlet asked.

"Kind of. It reminded me of an eclipse until everything started glitching out."

"Must've been painful." Scarlet muttered, staring down at his arm.

Gold pulled down the sleeves on his jacket. During the whole thing with Navy, he had straight up forgotten he had the scars.

Not that there were very many, but they were still there.

And he hated them.

"Damn. It was abandoned." Scarlet said as they passed the familiar booth.

"Probably happened after the whole incident. Didn't want it happening again, so they abandoned it." Gold muttered to himself.

"Seems logical. But why's there a shadow in there?" Scarlet pointed inside.

Sure enough, there was a shadow inside of the abandoned booth.

"What the...fuck?"

Gold, being the leader, took a step into the booth, trying to get a better look at whatever is going on.



"Hey! Anyone there!?"

"A guard from Navy's regime?"

"Maybe it's Night Shade!"

"What the hell would Night Shade be doing right now?!"

"Guys, shut the hell up!" Gold snapped. The other three behind him quieted down.

The movement stopped, and Gold took the opportunity to grab a stick and look into the abandoned area.

Aside from the cube and the old, dusty and possibly broken computers, there wasn't anything that stuck out.

"We know your in here!" Scarlet shouted.

Gold looked around at familiar places that he knew would probably be big enough for a hiding spot.

Behind the computer, something moved, and three out of the four of them jumped.


Gold scrambled for his phone, and turned the flashlight on."

"Your not flashing a picture or anything?" Copper whispered.

"Why would I need a picture of a computer setup that doesn't even work?" Gold whispered back. Grumbling to himself about teaching Copper about using his phones flashlight, he edged closer to the monitors.

Trying his best to ignore the familiar blaring alarm he could vividly hear.

As he edged closer, the build of the stick figure began to look eerily familiar.

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