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It's all so cold and numb around him.

He can't seem to feel anything.

He can't feel King's hold on his arms as everyone shouts at him to snap out of it.

What's there to snap out of?

Everything just feels so numb and he can't shake that feeling off.

"Come on, brain! Snap out of it!"

King and someone else are having a conversation about something, but he can't pinpoint it.

Suddenly, the dead weight of his body completely crash down on him, and King briefly lets go of his arms.

Just enough time to fall.

The endless void of all his memories flash before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

The day he and King met.

The day King proved he cared about him.

The Nether battle.

That fateful day in Note Block Universe.

When Navy first showed up.

Everything that King had ever said to him.

It all came crashing down on him.

" Your one of the strongest people I've met, and nothing will ever change that. Even if you were weak, I'd still be there for you, no matter what. I promise."

"I'm always here for you. I always will. I'll stay right here. I won't leave your side, no matter what. We will get through this together. Cause I'm staying right here with you."

"With me?"

King pulled him close. "With you."



"There's nothing to be sorry about, Purple. I understand you've been hurt by people your entire life, me included, and I wish you weren't, but that's not something I can decide. Navy made the choice to turn you into what you are, and I chose to hurt you even if I didn't realize what I was doing then. You're still just a kid, and you're still stuck in that mindset because all the universe has done to you is hurt you."

"Kid, Navy could kill you! Even him kidnapping you is enough to hurt me! But killing you?! I'd be devastated for the rest of my life. I'm doing this for your own safety."

"I just....I don't want you to get hurt. If these guys ever find'll die. And I don't...I don't wanna lose you, Purple! I love you so much it would hurt me so badly to see you leave."

"You were there when I needed someone the most. You became my family after I lost my own. It was you who stopped my rampage. You who brought me back into reality. You, Purple. All you. I need you to realize that. You have to fight against Navy's control. He isn't true family. I'm your true family. I'm the one you see as a father, not him. I'm there when you need someone, not him. You said I was the best thing that ever happened to you. I'm always there to comfort you when you need it! So, please, Purple, fight it! I'm here. I'm right here! I love you, kid. I always have, and always will. Please!"

"Purple, please. You fought through this before, you can fight through it again. I'm here. I'm right here! I made a promise to you, remember? I promised I'd always be there for you. I promised I'd always be with you. I'm not breaking that promise, am I!? I'm here for you, and I'm here with you. I'd never break a promise I made to you, okay?! Please Purple, listen to me! I know your in there. I need you to fight. For yourself, your friends, and for me. I love you, Purple. Always have, and always will."

Father & Son 6: Shades Of Future NightWhere stories live. Discover now