-Pov change: Hoops-

Hoops: "Hey Willow, do you think we'll find whoever trapped us here in that hedge lab thing?"

Willow: "We better. Or else I'll make sure he hurts more than we do."

Hoops: "Yeah.."

Soon our main characters returned "home" and attempted to make makeshift armor.

(Y/N) decided to use the shell of an acorn as protection, Willow and Hoops wore red ant armor, Pete wore clover armor, And Max decided to wear grub armor.

Max: "Just a bit more preparation and we'll be ready to go right?"

Pete: "I assume so, we all look ready!"

They all raised their weapons and examined them. (Y/N) examined his red ant club, and it somehow didn't look too damaged from the fight with the ladybug. Hoops somehow killed a larva and was using a spike from it. Pete made a bow from a sprig, and Max was using a spear. Willow decided to use a larva blade except hers was more beat up, the poor thing put up a hell of a fight.

Once they decided they were ready they set off! But on the way the grass forest fell silent, and some odd noises could be heard in the background.

Pete: "D-D-Does anyone else hear that?!"

Max: "Hear what? You pissing yourself because it's dark?"

Willow: "No I hear it too, it sounds like something big is coming towards us..."

Hoops: "Do you think it's a spider? Spiders freak me out when they pop out of nowhere!"

(Y/N): "Everyone calm down. I'm sure it's just a ladybug looking for some food or something. We'll be fine, let's stop talking and keep walki-!"

(Y/N) was interrupted by a fearsome predator, it was the infamous Wolf spider!

Max: "Holy shit run!"

The group started sprinting as the wolf spider growled in frustration because its prey started running.
The wolf spider started to give chase and was gaining on one person, Pete. The poor bastard was going to become spider food once it caught him.

The wolf spider slowly became closer and closer until...


There was a loud cracking sound as (Y/N) hit the wolf spider with his club using the force of a jackhammer!


The other four adults sprinted towards the hedge, looking back every so often to check on (Y/N). Eventually they made it and were debating on whether or not to go back and check on (Y/N)

Hoops: "Do you think he's OK? He was so brave doing that for us!"

Pete: "I hope so, a wolf spider is very ferocious, and likely wouldn't let him escape."

Max: "I'm sure he'll be fine, hopefully...."

Hoops: "But what if he isn't? What will we do then :(?"

The four sat down to rest, and soon made a campfire so (Y/N) could find them if he was still alive.

Hoops seemed extremely upset because of (Y/N) sacrificing himself. Max and Pete seemed confident that (Y/N) would make it because of the three's toughness.

Willow seemed indifferent but was actually on the verge of crying, because she felt that she wouldn't be able to confess the feelings she had for years. Her and Hoops discussed how they felt about him earlier, and were going to try to compete for him. But it seemed like that wouldn't happen.

The groups thoughts were interrupted by Pete.

Pete: "Hey guys do you think we could use those purple berries for something? The skin of the berries might be tough enough to take a beating!"

Max: "No reason not to try I guess."

Max took aim at the berries and fired, while Pete chopped them up with his axe. The groups SCA.Bs made a loud couple of beeps and a secondary screen popped out, displaying the same symbol that they saw from there SCA.Bs from when they woke up.

Hoops: "I think there's one of those field stations nearby..."

Pete: "I'll go scan the berries! And we'll see what we can do with them."

Unbeknownst to the four, they were being watched by someone. The figure slowly approached holding some sort of weapon.....


And that was the chapter, as always let me know what yall thought and what I should improve on. Please try to be respectful as I want constructive criticism that I can learn from, not insults.

I would like to apologize for the long wait, I haven't had the motivation to write lately.

But another note, I am making a suggestions oneshot book that you should go check out! And leave some suggestions :) . That book will be something to work on when I get bored of writing this book so I don't run out of steam and so I can deliver quality chapters to my awesome readers. Thank you all for supporting my book!

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