Mysterious lab

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As the night trudged on and becomes morning, our main protagonist is awoken by a strange noise.

Red ant: *ant noises with curious head movements*

(Y/N): "WHAT THE HEL- OH hey little buddy."

(Y/N) then "pets" the ant before getting up and stretching.

(Y/N): "Waking up never gets easier my little friend, does it?"

The ant twists it's head to the right, not understanding the humans words.

(Y/N): "I guess it should be obvious that you won't understand English. Go ahead, my little friend. Go run off and do ant things."

The red ant runs off to go kill a weevil or something. Speaking of killing weevils, (Y/N) needs to make breakfast. (Y/N) then goes to kill a couple of aphids and weevils in order to make some good breakfast. And as he's making breakfast the rest of the teens wake up, with Willow waking up first.

Willow: *hugs (Y/N)* "Good morning (Y/N), I see you made breakfast?"

(Y/N): "Of course I did, I was up early and I had nothing else to do. But I do have bad news."

Willow: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "I saw an orb weaver spider behind the plateu of our camp. It didn't wander too close over here, but we should be weary of it."

Willow: "Oh but I'm sure my big stud over here will protect us from the big bad spiders."

(Y/N): "I'll try my best Willow. Now could you please wake everyone else up before our breakfast gets cold."

Willow: "Sure, stud 😉."

(Y/N): "J-Just go wake up the others."

-short timeskip-

Pete: "Good morning (Y/N), I see you made an aphid and weevil breakfast?"

(Y/N): "I tried my best Pete, go ahead and eat. We have to go explore that explosion."

Max: "Do you think we'll find the bastard who trapped us here?"

Hoops: "Hopefully, I want justice!"

Willow: "Yeah. Me too hoops."

(Y/N): "I'm sure we will, we just have to go explore the explosion."

The young adults set off on their journey to the oak tree where the explosion happened. When they get there they find a blasted open door with pink burn marks around the site.

They then walk through the door and into a crumbling hallway down into the lab.

Down in the lab they find a container filled with-

Pete: "There seems to be idealized geometric shapes in that thing, they can't be real."

Hoops: "If it's not real then how is it in that container?"

(Y/N): "I don't know but I think the answer is somewhere nearby."

(Y/N) goes through a door and finds a robot on the floor. He helps the robot up and it says:

???: [System reboot in progress]

???: "Thanks for the helping hand! I am B-B-B-Burg.l, acting science manager for this project, I am also a robot. I'm sure that this all must be very disorienting for you, but hopefully I can explain. I suspect you were miniaturized by Dr. Tully's SPAC.R device."

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