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[So in order to make the story less "dry", I'm going to add some lore to the main characters]

After making their way home from the Oak lab, our protagonists decided to plan their expedition to the hedge. But first they needed to prepare for the journey.

Hoops, And Max went to go discover new resources and landmarks.

Willow and Pete went to find and or make a source of clean water.

Meanwhile (Y/N), after some reluctance from the other adults, (especially Hoops and Willow) ventured off to hopefully find an insect to make armor from.

(Y/N): "As disgusting wearing an insects body parts can be, we might need something to protect our squishy bodies."

He said as he walked throught the tall grass, which reminded him of the forests he used to roam as a kid. This then made him remember his father, (F/N).

-flashback time-

(F/N): "Son, You know it's dangerous to wander the forest by yourself right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah dad, I know."

(F/N): "There's no need to get defensive Son, I'm just trying to make sure you don't do anything stupid."

-End of flashback-

(Y/N): "God dammit dad, I miss you you old man."

(Y/N) says as he continues walking

Upon walking just 15 cm forward he finds the perfect insect, a ladybug.

(Y/N): "Ladybugs are pretty tough insects, so if I were to somehow get it's exoskeleton then it might protect me...."

The Ladybug seems to know his intentions as it turns toward him. The ladybug twists it's head to the left to show confusion. It's confusion however, is quickly turned into anger with a meaty.      -THWACK-
The ladybug roars in anger as it's senses are flooded with pain after being struck with the red ant club (Y/N) made.

(Y/N):"Oh no..."

The ladybug charges but runs headfirst into the club (Y/N) is using.

(Y/N): "Just lay down!"

Three smacks follow this statement as the Ladybugs head is brutally ripped off its body.

(Y/N):"We're done here!"

The ladybug let's out a final groan as it's life slips away. (Y/N) brings the corpse back to the camp to process the parts for some sort of armor.


After returning back home (Y/N) and the others tried to find out a way to graft the ladybug parts to their body. But unfortunately the plant matter couldn't hold the parts to their bodies.

(Y/N): "We probably need to head to the hedge lab while we figure out how to make some 'ladybug armor', but in the meantime we need to make something to protect ourselves."

Pete: "Agreed, great adventurers have to start somewhere!"

The young adults all spread out again to go find something to protect themselves with.

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