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I have a sweet tooth, I'm aware

It's not the best, in fact it hurts.

Others don't know

I don't know why

My saliva turns sweet after I have something sweet

The taste stays in my mouth for hours

Others don't know that, it's something that goes on the inside of my body.

But for some reason if I think about it too much,

The sweet flavor becomes coppery and starts tasting like blood.

I'll drink water but I can get the taste out

I know I shouldn't have these sweets

But they're so addictive

Painfully addictive

I know they are.

Why I can't stop, I don't.

They taste so good but they're so short lived.

They never feed my hunger

They can't, I know this.

Yet I still feed on them

They can't fill the missing chunk of my hunger

They taste so sweet but they'll never be a substitute for real food.

A Collection of PoemsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant