Chapter 15

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"Now love are you hungry if so let me know and I can get you something to eat" Steven says while taking his phone out.

"Yes please I would really love some Oreos and peanut butter and maybe orange juice to oh and strawberries" I start rambling off a list of food I want.

He just stares at me like I have three heads.

"Love that's a lot of food when did you start eating like that" he questions me.

"When I got pregnant" I mumble to low for him to hear or so I thought.

"Wow what was that did you say you are pregnant" a look of complete and udder shock forms on his face.

"Yeah" I squeak out not wanting him to find out this way.

He starts pacing with a serious look on his face "so wait whose baby is it that your carrying and don't lie to me Angel"

"Yours" I squeak out and look up at him with a sad look.

He turns pale and looks like he is about to pass out.

He stops pacing and sits on the edge of the bed and puts his head in his hands.

"So you're telling me I am going to be a dad"

I can't find the right words so I just shake my head yes as he looks up at me with a smile.

He stands up and grabs me and spins me around with joy all over his face.

He sets me back down and moves onto his knees and puts his hands on my stomach and rubs my stomach.

He starts talking to my stomach and looks up at me with a huge grin on his face.

He stands back up and wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him and kisses the top of my head.

I just stand there not sure what to do.

He finally releases me and sits me back on the bed.

"So how far along are you and do you know what it's going to be yet" he starts asking me all these questions.

"No no I don't know what the baby is yet I'm only about three months along I have sonogram pictures if you want to see them" I go to stand as a wave of nausea hits me.

I shove my hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom and start to vomit in the toilet.

Steven follows me and grabs my hair and holds it away from my face and rubs my back in small comforting circles.

I finally stop heaving and wipe my mouth as I stand up.

"Thank you but you didn't have to do that I could have done it myself" I say walking back into the room.

"I was the one who got you into this so it is only fair I help you with anything and everything you need" he grabs his phone and dials a number.

Holding it up to his ear he starts barking orders into it and hangs up.

He takes my hand an pulls me out the room into a limo waiting outside the hotel.

"Wait where are we going and where is Hector" I pull my hand from his grasp and sit back in the very comfy seat.

"I'm taking you to the dr to check on our baby and as for Hector he is fine like I said before no need to worry about him" he sits up and grabs the seat belt and wraps it across my chest.

Buckling it he sits back and buckles his own before taking his phone out and checking the time.

"Don't need the baby or you hurt safety first my love" he smirks his famous Steven smirk.

I start fiddling with my thumbs as we pull up in front of a sky scraper.

Undoing my belt I get out after him as he holds his hand out for me to take.

I grab ahold and stand up out the limo and look up at the building.

We walk through the front door and a lady asks if we have an appointment.

Steven leans over and whispers something and the lady shakes her head and tells us to go to the third floor.

Once we get there we step into an office and he tells me to sit.

I find a spot off in a corner away from everyone and look up at Steven while he talks to a receptionist.

The lady seems to be flirting with him but he looks like he could care less.

He looks back and points to me and the lady's smile disappears as she pretends to type away on her keyboard.

She says something and Steven shakes his head and walks over to me and takes the seat next to me.

"We have a few minutes till they call you back love so you mind telling me when you were going to tell me you are pregnant with my child" he turns his head to me.

"I wasn't planning on it in fact I was planning on never seeing you again but you kidnaped me and here we are now" I snap.

"Well I'm glad I kidnaped you because Hector didn't deserve to call MY baby his and while we are on this subject why did you leave and ignore me three months ago was the sex not good did I do something wrong tell me love so I can fix it" he pleads.

Before I could answer my name was called so I got up and Steven followed close behind.

The nurse ran a few tests took some blood and showed me to a room and told me to get on the table and lift my shirt.

I did as she told and another woman came in and asked how we were doing.

"I'm good just here against my will" I threw a look at Steven who just sat in a chair and smiled like it was normal.

The woman clears her throat before she grabs a bottle of gel and tells me it will be a little warm.

She squirts it on my stomach a d gets the sonogram machine's wand ready before placing it on my stomach. And moving it around.

She turns out the light and the room gets dark then the tv on the wall lights up.

I hear a gasp that comes from Steven as the image of a tiny little moving baby appears on the screen.

I smile an watch as its little arms and legs move and squiggle around on the screen.

The woman then listens to the heart beat and takes pictures.

Steven asks for a few and she prints them out and hand them to him.

She turns the machine off and turns the light back on and hands me a few napkins and tells us congrats before leaving.

Steven helps me sit up and cleans my stomach for me.

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