Chapter 6

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We walk into the kitchen and sit down at the kitchen island.

"Okay so what's this proposal of yours" I ask with a look of question on my face.

"So you have been pretty much babysitting me for a while now so I was thinking maybe you would want to move in with me and maybe be my girlfriend" he whispered the girlfriend part.

"Your what I didn't quite hear that last part speak up" I say scooting closer to him.

He speaks louder this time "I said will you be my girlfriend and move in with me."

"What did that room have to do with me being your girlfriend and moving in here" I ask going over everything in my mind.

"The reason I showed you that room is because if we are going to be together you need to know who I am" Steven gets up while talking.

He walks over to the refrigerator and grabs two water bottles handing one to me and keeping the other.

I open the bottle taking a sip I think about everything.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I grab it and check my text.

It's from Hector saying I have a job interview with him at three if I want the job.

I hit my lock button and lay my phone down and look back up at Steven.

He is watching me as he takes a sip of his water.

"So who texted you" he asks with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Oh nobody just a friend wanting to meet up" I tell him.

"Well it must be some friend because you were smiling the whole time you were looking at your phone" Steven snaps at me.

"I'm sensing a bit of jealousy Mr Steven" I laugh.

"No I'm not jealous" he grumbles while getting up from his seat.

I get up and start walking towards the elevators.

"Well this was fun but I have to go I'm meeting up with my friend in a few minutes so if that's all you wanted I'm going to go now Mr Steven's."

I push the elevator button and get on and lean against the wall.

Steven steps in after me and we ride down to the lobby.

Once outside I start to walk off but Steven grabs my hand and pulls me close to him.

"Please think about what I asked I was serious" he says with serious in his eyes.

He leans down to kiss me and I turn my head and he kisses my cheek instead.

"I'll think about it don't worry but it's just a lot to take in right know" I mumble.

I walk of leaving him on the sidewalk as I head to the cafe Hector gave me the address to.

Once I walk through the door I spot him and walk over.

He is sitting with his laptop and paperwork all over the table and sipping on a coffee.

He turns and smiles as he stands up to help me in my seat.

"So nice of you to join me Miss Roberts would you like something to drink they have amazing coffee here" he asks and I instantly get wet.

His Spanish accent is so thick and sexy.

Oh lord what I would do to this man.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by a clearing of a throat.

I look up and Hector is just staring at me.

"I asked if you wanted a coffee" he says.

I blush a deep red and nod my head.

He chuckles and gets up and orders me a coffee.

I turn and look as he walks away.

He is 6'3 and very well built looks like he works out a lot.

He is wearing a suit but the shirt looks a tad to small on his arms because you can see every little muscle as he moves and the shirt stretches.

It looks like ones ring move and he will pop right out the shirt not that I would mind.

I blush and turn around and try and stop thinking about Hector.

He returns and hands me the coffee and I accept it.

He sits back down and looks at me.

"So about this job it's to be my personal assistant the only thing is we will be working extremely close and I may even need you to move in with me or at least stay a few nights a week. The reason is I work all the time and I'm always on call." He switches straight into business mode.

I nod my head as I listen taking everything in.

"Now the pay you will be paid extremely well because I ask so much of my personal assistants. You will also travel with me whenever I have business overseas so you will have to have a passport." he says taking a sip of his coffee.

"This sounds like a nice job opportunity is it okay if I think about it for a few days and get back to you I really need to think about it because its a lot to take in an your asking for a lot" I say drinking the last of my coffee.

I sit the cup on the table and pull out my phone to check the time.

I'm shocked to find it says 5:38 I had been here for almost three hours talking to Hector.

"That's fine I didn't expect you to take it right away think about it and just let me know" Hector says while packing up his things.

"Well thank you I had a lovely time maybe we can do this again sometime" I say standing.

"Oh yes Miss Roberts we should do this again maybe a date instead of just coffee" he smirks.

He grabs my wrist as I go to walk off and pulls me against his big chest.

I look up and blush and he laughs at me as he notices my blush.

He leans down and captures my lips.

I instantly turn to jello had it not been for his hand on my back holding me I would have fallen.

Just like that the kiss ended and he lets me go.

He grabs his things and leaves the cafe.

I just stand there a minute rubbing my lips with my fingers.

I finally get my head straight and step out the cafe and get a cab.

A/N: oooooooooooooo two guys after poor little Angel what's she to do now and another job that doesn't require her to babysit a grown man and clean up a mess of woman :D

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