"There." she smiled pleased with her final product.

"Shotgun!" a new voice shouted and Carlos turned to dude on the steps

"No Dude. Stay. The Isle is way too dangerous."

Evie's mouth fell open, Ben's eyes widened and Jay asked, "Did he just. . . "

"Talk?" Carlos finished for him, "Yeah. I know. Tell ya later."

Then he headed for the car, the others refocused on the mission at hand and followed him, Jay taking the driver's seat.

"Let's go." ben said.

"Ok, once we cross the bridge park under the pier near the old garage. Got it?" Evie instructed.

"Got it." Jay nodded. And they were off.


Drac's little court session in the Slop Shop would no doubt spread like wildfire. Meaning that when phase one was complete: get people rallying to the siblings, they needed to have a plan ready for phase 2: taking back their turf, and eventually taking as much of Uma's as possible. However, they had no plan. Drac's biggest assets were now unavailable to him, the Sandersons were out of the picture, Mal would never agree to work with their father and CJ. . . Drac still had to riddle out what it was Harry had said about her.

After leaving the Slop Shop through the same tunnels they'd entered, the siblings split up. Mal wanted to get a plan hammered out and the best way for her to clear her head and think was to go back to their lair and paint. In that headspace Mal always came up with her greatest schemes. It was why she spent so much time sketching the magic wand when they first went to Auradon. Drac left her to it while he tried to track down Diego or Freddie. He wanted to get an idea of what had been going on with the anti-heroes club, if it still existed. With Uma running things the group might have disbanded for their own safety. But that still meant Drac had some allies hiding in the shadows. He just had to find them. That was the tricky part.

"Hey!" he exclaimed after bumping into someone. He noted he'd had very bad luck with that today. "Watch where you're -Hey-ey guys."

He changed his tone when he saw who he'd bumped, the Isle facade fading instantly and a nervous expression hiding behind his grin. Evie, Jay, Carlos and Ben looked at him with shock, before Evie's expression became filled with relief and she hurried to hug him.

"Oh thank goodness we found you."

Drac wormed out of her hold, "Easy on the goodness Princess Evie, this is the Isle."

Half of him couldn't believe they'd followed him and Mal back to the Isle while the other half that could believe it was wondering how they'd even gotten here. Jay came over and fist bumped him before Carlos did the same. Ben just smiled and gave him a nod but Drac only looked him up and down.

"New look?" he asked noticing the king looked like he'd gotten an Isle makeover. Ben blushed and shrugged tugging on his jacket and avoiding eye contact as he looked around the disheveled alley around him. This had to be a big change for Ben, he'd only ever heard about the Isle from them and who knew what he thought they'd exaggerated that was actually true and being proven right before his eyes.

"Have you seen Mal?" Evie asked him pulling him from his thoughts.

"Uh. . ." He stuttered knowing his sister was not in the mood for company right now but also not wanting to lie to his friends. "Yeah. But I'm not sure what kind of mood she'll be in." he said knowing they probably wanted to take him and Mal back to Auradon and he knew that was the last place she wanted to be right now.

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now