Phoebe locks eyes with Tim briefly as she starts to make her way out of the room.

Half of the day was over Phoebe had gathered a large amount of information based on all of the digging, and security footage she watched. To say the least she was proud of her self for getting this much intel.

She looks up from her notepad when she sees a frantic Lucy walking over to her.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" She asks the brunette. Phoebe nods and stands up. She follows Lucy into the women's locker room sitting down next to her.

"What's up?" She asks, she could see the look of concern on Lucy's features.

"I'm worried about Tim.." she starts off Phoebe listens as she continues "He instigated a fight with a biker, wouldn't let me call for backup, could have gotten both of us killed. I think he's spinning out, trying to prove himself" she explains.

Phoebe nods "is he getting hit with personal stuff?" She asks. Lucy nodded her head "Yeah he seen his wife, who is on drugs and she's getting into trouble" she explains.

Phoebe nods she didn't think Tim was married. She didn't even see a ring on his finger "I think you should talk to him and set the boundaries straight" she explains. She thought it was selfish that Tim was putting Lucy at risk because of his own problems.

"Let me know how it goes" she tells Lucy.


It was later in the day Phoebe spent majority of the afternoon gathering as much intel that she could. She was pretty satisfied with the information she found. She had cracked the 'Zombies' and Identified each one.

The officers were sitting in the briefing room followed by detectives, and Swat. Captain Anderson and Grey walk into the room.

"Alright let's get started" Grey says. He turns his attention to Phoebe "Thanks to Phoebe here, she was able identify each criminal, and gather intel about them" he motions for her to stand up.

Phoebe stands up adjusting her notepad in her hands. She walks over to the white board that had each face of the 'Zombie'.

"Our targets are Steve Bower, Kai De Vera. Bit of an odd couple. Bower's known for at least six hard-core 2-11s, a lot of collateral damage in his wake. De Vera did two tours as a door gunner on a Black Hawk, was under the radar till she hooked up with Bower about a year ago. Remember, if anything, she's far more dangerous than he is. Seems like Kai is suffering from psychosis, and PTSD from serving. This is all a mind game to her. Use that as your advantage" she explains.

Zoe looks over at her daughter with a smile on her face, she was extremely proud of her daughter.

"Excellent worker Phoebe" the detectives say. She smiles and nods her head before sitting back down.

Phoebe listens to commander of Swat explain the technique for tonight's special op.

Phoebe had finished up her homework as she was ready to call it a night. She was exhausted today and was thankful there was no practice. All she wanted to do was lay her body against her bed and cuddle with her puppy.

Phoebe starts to pack up her bags her head snapping up when she hears her name being called.

"Phoebe!" Tim says his voice sounded angry. Phoebe rolls her eyes and looks over at Tim "Was is it Bradford?" She asks, she slings her bag over her shoulder.

"You have no business knowing about my personal life, are we clear?" He says angrily. Phoebe looks at him with wide eyes. Was he referring to the conversation she had with Lucy?

She looks at him in confusion "I don't want any business in your personal life. But I will say it's pretty selfish of you to endanger Lucy like that. You could have gotten her killed, while you fought those bikers" she says clear anger laced in her voice. She wasn't happy with Tim confronting her.

Tim steps forward, Phoebe could feel his breath on her skin.

"She's my boot, I will do what I want. You think you know it all because you're the captains daughter ? You think you're miss perfect because you can bat your eye lashes and get anything you want from daddy? Well think again sweetheart. The real world is not nice, You're dad should've taught you that" he spat out.

Phoebe looks at him with anger, she points her manicured finger at him "Listen dickhead, you have been an absolute asshole to me since my first day. I was looking out for Lucy, but you're too blind to see your own actions" she starts she could feel her cheeks become red from anger "As for my family, don't ever bring them up again in any argument. Not that it's any of your business. I haven't seen my dad in four years I don't even know if he's alive. We lost contact with him in Iraq" she says as she could feel her heart beat increase "So, I would rather have my father here with us safe and baby me, then not having him" she says her voice rising at the end. She could feel the heat radiate off of her body as she tried to compose her self from crying.

Tim's gaze softens at the mention of her father, as he starts to feel guilty "Phoebe I'm-" Phoebe sticks her hand out to stop him "Save it Asshole, you're lucky I don't tell my mother about this" she says before walking away. She didn't care for his lame apology, and she didn't care to see the look on his face either. He was a nuisance and she couldn't stand him.


That night all Tim could think about that night as he laid in bed was how badly he had treated Phoebe, and it bothered him dearly.

Second chapter up!! How do we like it?? Tim can be so mean!!! But we love phoebe she's like a Penelope Garcia. Leave your comments below!!!

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