Chapter 2

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We had decided that we needed supplies, desperately, we had no food, no water, nothing. The only thing I own is that scrap bit of metal. We ventured into the desolate city, and we walked I couldn't help but feel uncertain about everything. I'm trying to trust Seven as best as I can but it's always good to be suspicious.
Amongst the buildings we found an abandoned store, its door barely hanging on its hinges. The inside was a mess of shattered glass and fallen shelves. We started looking for supplies when Seven said,
"So, Elara, right?"
I nodded.
"What did you do before the world turned to shit?"
I rolled my eyes and continued searching for supplies.
"I doubt my resume matters now, but I was a student. Trying to survive exams, not this." I sighed.
Seven laughed, "Ah, the good old days of stressing over exams. I was a barista, dropped out of school. Y'know, making coffee, was kind of a hero in the caffeine world."
"Very heroic." I said tossing some canned food into Sevens bag.
Seven laughed slightly and I couldn't help but smile.
I've missed actual human interaction so much.
We continued to rummage through the abandoned store, until a soft whimper caught my attention. I froze, my eyes scanning the dimly lit space until they landed on a small, trembling figure in the corner of the room.
"What the..." I murmured.
Sevens eyes followed where I was looking and his eyes widened in shock.
"Oh crap is that a... dog?"
There amidst the ruin and decay stood a small dog with matted fur, covered in dirt. It let out another fearful whimper, as if it was pleading us to help it.
"Well I'll be damned," Seven said, with a mix of surprise and amazement in his voice. "Looks like we have a little furry friend over here." He smiled.
He approached the dog cautiously, reaching his hand out to it and letting it sniff his fingers. The little dog seemed to sense we meant no harm.
"Poor thing..." I whispered"
I checked the surroundings, but there was no sign of any owner, the dog had been surviving here all on its own.
Seven looked at me, smirking slightly.
"Well it can't survive here all on its own can it?" Seven remarked, with a hint of concern in his eyes.
I sighed. "I guess so."
"Looks like we've got a third member to our little club." Seven smiled.
"Its not all fun and games Seven, we're surviving here and this dog is going to be another mouth to feed I hope you know." 
"Yes, I'm aware but there's no way I'm leaving the poor thing here all alone!" Seven exclaimed. "And admit it," he said. "It'll be nice to have a little friend amidst this mess." He pleaded.
"We can take the dog, okay? I'll admit I don't really want to leave it here all alone either." I sighed.
"So even you have a soft side for animals then?" He smirked.
"Oh shut up or I'll leave you and the dog here." I retorted, though a subtle smile betrayed my attempt at being serious.
We decided that we had gotten everything out of the store that we possibly could.
"Let's go, we need to find somewhere safer to camp." I suggested.
"Oh, shit look."
A Dominion surveillance robot, patrolling the area just outside the store we're in. Seven instinctively picked up the dog, and we hid behind the counter.
"How long has that thing been there for?!" I whisper yelled.
"Those things give me the creeps, I've heard stories that they can literally detect sound from miles away."
I nodded. "We need to stay quiet, and we can't stay in here forever, is there another way out anywhere?" I whispered.
I glanced around the room to see a broken exit, but it was surrounded by shattered glass.
It was the only way out.
I nodded over to the exit, signalling Seven to head over to it.
As we carefully made our way over to it, the glass shards crunched beneath our feet.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my leg as a piece of glass sliced through my flesh.
I bit my lip to stifle a cry, but the room seemed to close in around me.
Seven turned to me, his face covered in concern.
"Elara are you okay?"
I clenched my jaw in pain, trying to push through it.
"Just go, there's no time to be waiting around here." I said, pain in my voice.
A gasp escaped my lips. I glanced down to see blood seeping through the tear in my jeans.
The robot, seeming to have heard me, started coming towards our location.
"Elara we have to go," Seven said, alerted by the sound of the robots wheels moving towards us. "Now."
"I can't walk." I stuttered.
He swiftly scooped me up into his arms, his strength surprising me. The dog, sensing the urgency, followed us quickly.
The robots mechanical sensors zeroed onto our location.
Seven navigated his way through the desolated city, his pace quickening as he ran.
As we rounded a corner, the sound of the robot seemed to quiet down.
"I think we lost it." Seven said in relief.
One good thing about those robots, they're not very fast.
"Are you alright?" Seven asked, his eyes searching mine, then glancing at the cut on my leg.
I winced in pain.
"I think so."
"We need to stop the bleeding."
I nodded, Seven began to take his shirt off, revealing his chest, I couldn't help but notice that he has quite a nice physique, he has tattoos covering his chest.
"I'm sorry in advance if this hurts." Seven said, his voice gentle, which was a change to his normally humorous tone.
He started to wrap my leg with his shirt, his warm skin contrasting the cool fabric. The pain momentarily forgotten in the distraction of his close proximity. The tattoos on his chest seemed to dance with every movement.
"There," he said "It's not perfect but It'll do for now." He smiled weakly.
I glanced at him, his eyes meeting mine.
"Thanks," I said. "But aren't you going to be cold?" I asked, eyeing his bare chest.
"I have a spare in my bag, I'll be okay." He reassured.
Seven helped me to my feet, and he gave the little dog a pat.
"We need to name the little guy," He said, his eyes sparkling. "How about Titan." He said excitedly.
I raised a brow, slightly amused.
"Titan, for this little guy?"
Seven chuckled. "Exactly! It's the contrast that makes it perfect."
I looked down at the small dog, wagging its tail approvingly. The name seemed to suit him in a weird way. 
"Titan it is then."

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