3 Girls, 30 Watchers.

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"Are you sure we're ready to do this?" Karl nervously asked me.
"Oh I'm definitely sure!" I said giggling.

He hit join now and his phone quickly loaded our new profile, on a local swingers site. Here we were, unicorn hunting. We started filling in our profile together to express these.
'No males, no sleepovers, social meets first', our list of rules we made together as we went along went on our profile in amongst our other details.
Next, we selected our photos, a recent one of us, stood in front of the marina, Karl kissing me with his arms around me. Another one of Karl and I in bed, he was snuggled up closely to me. Then I also picked a few solo photos.

Karl and I have been together for a few years now. I'm happy, who couldn't be with his cock? It was the perfect size for me. He knows I miss the softness of other women that you just can't get with a man. Women are goddesses.
As you can guess I adore girls. All shapes and sizes. We finally decided to allow another woman into our bedroom. I wanted a woman, he wanted to learn more about kink and just have some extra spicy fun. So we decided to make the joint decision of starting at three ways before delving further into the world of kink.

When the joint profile was finished we started scrolling down the newsfeed and we came across a social night out and decided to book the tickets. Eeek! I was so excited! We'd been on the website once or twice before, but never really went ahead with anything. We both decided it'd be best to start with building our verifications, so people knew we were genuine when they stumbled across our profile. We arranged to meet with a couple for coffee very early on, one verification done. After that, it was very slow. We came to the conclusion people were more hesitant with our new profile and lack of verifications all but one.

When the time rolled around for the night out, we were both a bundle of nerves and excitement. I began getting ready very early starting with a shower. I didn't bother shaving, I knew this wasn't the time for bringing anyone home with us. That's how unsuspecting of debauchery I was!
We hadn't discussed any rules for this night out, because we genuinely weren't expecting anything on this night out bar maybe exchanging usernames.

When I got out of the shower, I put my Doja Cat play list on for background noise while I was getting ready. I started off by delicately putting the front of my damp hair into varying size of rollers singing along to the music. For the back of my hair I sectioned into four parts, twisted each part and put a thin hair bobble on it to hold each part in place.
Next came my makeup, which I spent a few hours doing on and off in between looking at outfits and possible shoe combos.

'I hope he hits it off with a hot girl' I thought to myself while watching him get dressed. What a random thought to have about your partner before a night out but I was excited to see someone noticing him, flirting with him, trying to get into his bed. Our bed. As much as I couldn't wait to feel another woman again, I was even more excited about watching Karl.

He wore his black thick jumper, jeans, black Converse style shoes and his long brown tweed style jacket. Ironically I had picked out my short black jumper dress, thigh high boots and my own long brown tweed jacket.
We both had matching green hair, matching necklaces as collars to one another for our relationship and we only noticed how matching we were when we took photos to post into the large group chat to show everyone who we were and what we looked like. We would most definitely be easily recognised tonight by all in attendance.

I stood leaning against the doorway of the bathroom watching him brush his teeth and gel his hair into place quickly before we left for the bar. He spritzed himself with aftershave, done a double check in our floor length hallway mirror, and asked for my opinion on his final look.

"You look fucking hot baby" I said, advancing towards him, hoping to grab a quick feel of his bulge before he opened the front door to leave. I wanted him. I wanted others to want him. He moved aside out of my way, "there's plenty of time for that when we get home, beautiful". My clit twitched in excitement at the prospect of having him inside me later. Three years on and I was still so attracted to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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