The Silver Wolf

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There was no time to dwell on the past night's revelations, in the chaos of Weasleys on the move. Draco was called upon to cast Featherlight charms on suitcase after suitcase, with Ministry employee Mr. Weasley happily turning a blind eye to Draco breaking the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. The most confronting bit of baggage was Crookshanks, who did not appreciate a carrying basket after his long stint in a cage.

It would have been hard to miss Potter was under Ministry protection, with the way Mr. Weasley marched him over that short stretch of street, the first one to enter their two old-fashioned dark green cars. Draco was led to the same car, and drolly declared himself part of Potter's protective detail, brandishing his wand until Hermione demanded to know why Potter would need protection, and left Potter to solve that problem.

Ministry drivers found them trolleys, unloaded their trunks, touched their hats to Mr. Weasley and drove away. Mr. Weasley edged Ron aside to hold onto Potter's elbow all the way into the station, while Draco basked secure in his knowledge Potter was actually safer this year than probably any other at Hogwarts- unless you counted the Dementors, his supposed protectors.

"I came out of the barrier with Draco at the end of last year," Potter insisted, in response to Mr. Weasley's insistence they go through in twos. "I want to go back through with him this year."

Peter looked mystified. "Is that some sort of superstition I've never heard of?"

"No, Harry's just worried he's Draco's least favorite," Ron muttered. "It's not Draco's fault, Harry's always been a bit barmy over him..."

Draco pretended not to hear before taking Potter's arm.

"I won't get him killed over the next ten feet," Draco hissed over at Mr. Weasley, before leading Potter with him on the run through.

Mr. Weasley pulled Potter aside before they boarded, telling him the things he'd already overheard, which made Potter very cross when Draco told them he wasn't going to sit with them on the train. He'd already kicked a huffy Ginny out of the compartment, so when Draco kept walking, Potter went running after him in the corridor. "Draco, we need to talk about this. I need to tell them, and Mr. Weasley told me more..."

"I need to find my cousin, Potter," Draco sighed, "I told her we'd sit together again," and Potter looked like he was about to hex Draco for the mortal crime of not sitting with him on the train.

"Fine, we don't need you anyway!" Potter snapped, stalking away.

"Tell me later!" Draco offered, and Potter whirled to glare at him again.

"I can't, you're in Slytherin!" he snarled, as if that had been Draco's choice- well, actually, it had been, but he hadn't told Potter that. "You've never sat with us on the way to Hogwarts, Draco!"

Potter eyed him like this was proof Draco was plotting to reopen the Chamber of Secrets.

Draco had thought he could kill two birds with one stone on this trip- having a much-needed talk with Luna, and avoiding the spectacle that would ensue of Potter passing out from the Dementors. But it seemed too much work to placate a spurned Potter. "Fine, but I promised Luna. Can I bring her?"

After ejecting all Weasleys not named Ron, that idea made Potter look strained, but Draco rolled his eyes too meaningfully for him not to look shamefaced. "Do you want me there for your talk or not? If you can trust me, you can trust her. It's not like she's got any other friends."

"Sociable lot, your family," Potter groused, but nodded in assent, saying he'd get Ron and Hermione back up to speed while Draco got Luna. As her letter had promised, she was in the last compartment again, which she seemed a bit sad to leave. She followed, though, even after he whispered the disclosure he had been mulling over all summer.

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