Chapter 21: From Practice to Peril

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Several hours later

Waking up to find myself alone in my room, I slowly shifted to sit upright. Pulling my leg towards me, I exhaled, seeing the gears running between my ankle and the midsection of my calf. I felt a slight shift in the wind, assuming it to be the door opening. I looked over to see Enterprise standing there.

Her eyes were looking at me, tracking from my leg and eventually making eye contact before breaking it. Her eyes look at the floor. "So, Rousha. What happened?" I remained silent, unsure how to even describe it. The details, the weirdness of the dream. It just didn't make sense. I felt my weight shift forward slightly as Enterprise sat down on the edge of the bed.

I looked at her, confused, shrugging slightly in response. She looked at me carefully before pulling the sheets off me and pulling me up to stand. I stumbled but caught myself as I was put off-kilter by the action. Turning to face her, all I saw was a calm, neutral face. "Follow me."


Standing on the water, I kept myself stable, watching as a few other kansen began gathering around the arena. My rigging shifted as I kept balanced watching as Enterprise stood there, her eyes watching me with an appraising feel like I felt before when I looked at myself in the mirror. A light flashed from the side, and Enterprise rushed in with her bow drawn.

I respond by drawing my sword and raising it to the challenge with a flash of light as a plane launches towards me. I began moving evasively. The plane came close to me, my hand brushing along the side as I tried to grab it.

My brain flashed with information, and I decided to wreak havoc on it. the plane gunning its engine as it flew upwards. Enterprise looked surprised as it did so. I watched it go out and turn as it climbed before it rotated. inverting and began to dive, the roar of the old Pratt & Whitney engines increasing as they screamed against the wind. Diving towards the water like it was trying to reach hell.

It slams into the water. water flying all around the arena as it does so. Enterprise, while unharmed, seemed shocked and unable to process what happened. Using that opening, I rushed in toward her. She snapped out of it, her bow catching my downward swing. She shoves back quickly. I tap a symbol on my jacket. My size increasing by a small amount as I rush to see her eye-to-eye. the blade catching on her bow again as I pushed against her.

She delivers a kick into me, launching my back and breaking my concentration, and my size returns to normal. Flipping around and getting back up. I pressed down on the engravings on the handle, lighting in flame. As I went back, clashing with her bow, she landed a punch on my face, knocking me back, followed by a kick. Quickly, she fired into the air, sending several aircraft into the air. Diving on me and strafing. keeping out of my reach now as I evaded.

I found myself running out of stamina as I moved around. Swapping to my maintainers, I sprinted at her. She grinned as she leveled her bow at me. Before a strong shockwave is felt, I slap myself to a stop and look around to see smoke rising out of a building. I rushed to the water's edge and sprinted once I reached land. rushing towards the building.

I found rubble and debris before a flash of yellow and pale white was seen out of the corner of my eye. I swung around and fired, hitting something like the woman with tentacles. human, but not. She tanked the hits, giving them a wave, and vanished.

I gave an exhale as I turned around and began to help with the people that were down, eventually getting them to vestal for medical treatment.

Afterwards, I was approached and taken away to Prince of Wales's office.


The red-coated woman stood there in thought as she talked to others. Her mouth was obscured by movement and the rapid way she spoke. The air in the room felt tense and heavy, like you could cut it with a knife.

It was hard to track what was mentioned, ranging from how much of a threat this was to snippets of what could be done. It was confusing and hard to read the people in the room.


"Wales, do you have any ideas?" "Some, but they aren't fleshed out. We need more information on the threats from the sirens. Enterprise." There was a small collection of noises as people in the room discussed the matter, some asking if it was possible to infiltrate them or even to stop the cloning machine that brings them back time after time. Eventually, one person called attention to themselves.

It was Rousha looking confused and lost, signing at us. "What's going on?" This caused several of the people here to pause and stare at her. "This is the girl that made The Enterprise freeze up? What is she, an idiot?" The entire room went dead silent before Wales spoke. "Maryland I wish for you to leave this discussion. The fiery redhead tried to say something before Hornet cocked back her revolver. "Shoo before I decide you need more than seven holes in your face." The girl nodded as she quickly left Wales and exhaled slightly when the door finally shut.

"I apologize, Rousha. If you want to know, we are discussing how to handle the siren threat." There was general consent before Tosa could be seen entering the room. setting down some tea. She paused when the entire room stared at her for a moment. Before she sipped on it. "Intruding much?" She smiled softly as she sat her tea down. "My dear hornet. I'm not here to cause issues, but have you considered Quicksilver?" "Quick silver?" She said it slightly slower, the words either unfamiliar or uncommon. "Like mercury?" "yes. precisely." The entire room stared at her, confused this time.

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