Chapter 1: Unstable Beginnings

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The girl in her bunk was fast asleep but suddenly hit a wall from a sudden shift in the ship's movement, snapping awake and looking around. "Shit, what time is it?" she says, looking at her watch. "Nearly midnight, huh? Perhaps I could take a look around; any crew I could find should be asleep." She looks down the dimly lit hall, the ship's lights glowing an orangeish hue.

She starts to walk down the dim halls, looking around and seeing no one. The engine hum is felt throughout the structure of the ship; she feels it as she walks along the halls. She keeps an eye open, looking into the shadows, till she reaches a mess hall and sees a small metal plaque with the phrase "Vox non Incerta" she reads in her mind, thinking about the meaning. "No uncertain voice; I think there's no Eagle Union carrier with that motto; it sounds more royal navy. Why was a British carrier in the repair dock, and where is it going?" she wonders in bewilderment.

She continues out of the mess hall, wandering the endless halls before finding the stairs back up, which she takes, heading up the tower, and reaches the bridge, which she finds empty. "Where's the crew?" She looks at the helm and sees the wheel turning slowly, then starboard. "Forget crew, how is the ship sailing itself?" She looks around the bridge to see nothing except the cold, dark abyss outside. She wanders down from the bridge. "Maybe the captain's quarters?" She thought as she walked off, "Being able to hear would probably help with finding someone," she thought to herself as she wandered through another hall in the tower. "Maybe here?" She thought as she popped open a door looking into a dark room. She slowly opened the door, letting the light from the hall spill into the room, showing a desk and a bed next to it. She looked towards the bed and saw a woman with white hair asleep under the covers. "i didn't expect the captin to be a woman."She thought one of her ears tilt in thought. She slowly shuts the door, but she feels the door suddenly vibrate. "Shit, that probably made a lot of noise," she panicked as she snapped her sight at the woman who was now sitting up in the bed.

She slowly raised her hands in surrender as the woman with white hair looked at her, slightly annoyed. The woman motioned for her to come closer, and she did. Upon entering the threshold of the room, suddenly the lights turned on and the door snapped shut behind her. The woman looked her in the eyes and started to speak, "Who are you?" The girl makes a motion to her ears, then makes an x with her arms. This action causes the woman to raise an eyebrow. "Are you deaf?" she asked. The girl nods and motions an action like writing on a sheet of paper.

 "You want a piece of paper and a pen?" The girl nodded again and was handed them while being guided to a seat with a tea set already set on it. "Go on, tell me, who are you?" The woman sips her tea calmly, watching the girl write on the paper before she hands it to her. "Most don't call me anything, and I would prefer to avoid using my given name." She reads aloud, then looks to the girl and says, "And why is that I already know one of your birth parents is from the Sakura Empire? Why try to avoid the name?" She said as she handed the paper back for the answer, taking another sip before reading her answer. "Your name translated is one without sound." She gives you a slight smile. "May I call you hearless?" The girl nods, liking the name more than her original name. "I see your keeping up with my speech fairly well; I assume you're proficient in lip reading." Hearless nods before writing again before the woman taps her shoulder before signing in ASL. "My name is Illustrious." She signs this as she says it, hearless perks up, and smiles before signing, "You know ASL?" illustrious nods before signing again, "I decided to learn it for fun; it's been years, so I'm a bit rusty in practice." Hearless nods in understanding before signing, "Thank you for being understanding." Illustrious makes a slight sigh before signing, "Sadly, your still tresspasing but as your polite, I'll let you sleep in one of the crew bunks until we make it to harbor and figure out what to do there." Hearless folds her ears down and signs, "I understand, perhaps I could find a job after my sentence," "perhaps, but first sleep." Illustrious stood up and led Hearless into a room with a fresh bed and left her to do her own thing. "Shes nice. I hope it isn't too much of a punishment." She gets into bed and eventually falls asleep from the rocking of the waves.

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