2nd year anniversary special

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*As today March 9th marks the second anniversary of Our complicated love story, here is a special.

Yes, I know last time I said I wouldn't come back for another for another special but I can't help it especially since this novel holds a deep place in my heart. Thus, any opportunity that arises for specials, I for sure take it.

Through I wasn't entirely lying when I said I wouldn't make another special as this one was not originally in my plans.

This special is not the official gift for the second anniversary, the official gift has been delayed, thus why you all get a special chapter.

In this chapter, it will be different than usual. This time around I'm not aiming at extra scenes in the story or going into the past or sexually explicit content, instead this special is going in the future, more so than the 2022 Christmas special.

However, that is not all, in this special, I have decided to reveal something I wrote for this novel, in fact, it's an introduction to my kind of poetry.

I hope you will like this poem that is different than usual poetry and by the way, there are a few hints that hint at what could be the official gift. ;)


Unknown pov

I thought I'd never see the day again, a day where all my kids aren't at home for one night and it's only Theo and I.

It feels strange in a way because after having 4 kids, you get used to having kids all the time at the house.

Of course, this isn't the first time it's happened but it's been years.

Usually, when we were left alone it would be intentional but to our surprise tonight it wasn't.

We're already used to Cayden leaving the house all the time, yeah he's quite the rebel. I mean he's getting to that age, he's almost 16.

Then there's Nora. She's rarely gone in the evenings, in the afternoon, sure but it seems like this time around she has a sleepover, so not only is she gone for the evening, but she's not here for the night.

What shocks me the most is Carson. Yeah, that guy never leaves the house, hence why it is so odd that he's not there.

I have no idea where he went because unlike Theo I don't demand to be told everything, I just leave the kids be. Gosh, sometimes he can be quite overprotective. The twins are almost 16 let they live their lives.

Anyway, this means Theo probably knows where Carson went but he hasn't told me because I don't bother asking him.

Through not gonna lie I hope he's not with Cayden. With everything we've been figuring out about him lately, he seems to be sparking trouble and knowing it's a Friday, I wouldn't be surprised if he's at a party but even I know the idea of Carson being at a party would not be a good thing.

He's so shy and he's never been at a party before unless he's hiding something from us but I doubt it, he's a good kid, the opposite of his brother.

Ugh, why am I busy thinking about my kids when I could be having a great time with Theo instead?

I decide to look for Theo in the house and luckily it doesn't take long to find him. Turns out he's in the kitchen making dinner.

I come up to him and sneakily wrap my hands around his waist. He jolts in surprise and turns his head to look at me.

"Gosh, Nathan, you scared me." He says a bit annoyed but I just smirk,

"Couldn't help it." He looks at me annoyed and I start messaging his waist, which makes him break into a smile and then he starts laughing.

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