Running away from feelings first part

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*For those that literally skipped the 1 year anniversary gift, well I'd like to mention that this is a special mini story for the 1 year anniversary of Our complicated love story! So please go read the all about the new special mini story if you don't want to be confused.

So we are all good now! Enjoy!-Lauren*

Running away from feelings part 1

Carson's pov

Emerick Cortez, that is definitely a name I'll never forget. We have too much history for me to forget.

Emerick has a darker skin tone like a Latino and dark brown hair. His eyes are almost black too.

He used to be my best friend when we were younger. Like we were literally besties.

He came into my life when I was 5 years old when I started Kindergarten. We instantly became friends while we played in the sand. My only friend, I had for a while.

I'm lucky he didn't become friends with my brother instead. Yeah, I have a twin brother which always complicated things.

Cayden has always been the popular guy definitely not like me. He is a lot similar to our dad Nathan just not a bad boy. While I've always been on the softer side like our Papa Theo.

Cayden is my complete opposite. Instantly in kindergarten, he became friends with everyone. Everyone loved him but not me because I was so quiet. So shy too.

Emerick could've become friends with him instead but he chose me. Something I've always been grateful for. He was never interested in becoming friends with my brother he used to say.

While my brother had everyone wrapped around his finger I had Emerick all to myself.

We were the best of friends. We were inseparable. We did everything together. At some point, he came to some family events. That's how close we were.

My parents, Theo and Nathan liked him too. Yeah, even my dad Nathan. Surprising I know. It's not like my dad likes reserved guys like Emerick. Okay maybe he does, he chose Theo.

Oh yes, I know all about their complicated love story! My papa Theo used to tell Cayden and me stories about him and Dad. My dad Nathan would say it was odd as Theo would never tell a single thing to my sister when she was younger.

Regardless, he would always tell the softer stories but Dad on the other hand didn't tell the same things.

He would always tell us the craziest stories about them it's crazy. I already knew that if I wanted to hear more, I could always ask Dad Nathan.

Then there's my younger sister Nora. She is a spoiled child ok? Seriously she is. She is so much like our papa Theo it's ridiculous.

I mean I guess it is equal. Personality-wise I took after our papa Theo but physically I look more like my dad Nathan. Though I have my papa's brown eyes.

Cayden on the other hand is different. Personality-wise he's like Dad but physically like Papa. Through, he has the blue eyes of Dad.

So Nora took after Papa's personality-wise and of course, looks a lot physically like Dad. She looks the most like him as she has blue eyes too.

Then the most important of them all, Moonlight my big sister.

She is older than us by almost 11 years. A huge age gap but it makes sense once we learn about our parents' story.

She always likes to tease us, she has more experience and she's seen more than us. How annoying. We call her Moon through.

She took after Dad through the years personality-wise. Physically she looks a lot like Papa even if Dad likes to say she looked a lot like him at birth.

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