Ch.1.4 Tutoring sessions

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Tutoring sessions

Theo's pov

It's been a week since I had to do my first tutoring session with Nathan. I still can't believe I have to tutor him of all people! Not only did I never tutor anyone before but why him?! He's a lost cause!

Though I'm still confused about why he disappeared for a full week. Like seriously disappeared to the point of ignoring me. That's not even like him!

Is he finally taking his studies seriously? Sometimes I like to think so but last week he proved me otherwise.

What I found strange is that he has come to school all week long! That is a massive feat! He always skips class here and there especially math and English. He's been in every class so far!

Even the teachers are impressed. They think I have something to do with it and I convinced him to. Though, it has nothing to do with me.

As much as he makes my blood boil sometimes, I can't avoid telling him such a feat! That is some record here! I'm definitely telling him that later!

Even if he's been going to class it doesn't mean he appreciates being tutored. It's clear as day that he doesn't want me to tutor him because why would he? It was clear as day last time. I can't believe he dared to ignore me during the entire session! It's worse than how he used to treat me before.

It's not like I wanted to tutor him. Of course not. I hate him!

Even if I don't want to, I had no choice but to accept. I don't want to be reprimanded by the teacher. It's an opportunity to showcase I'm capable of this even if it's Nathan that I have to deal with.

Anyways, it's not surprising that Ms. Frazer assigned me to tutor him. He has always sucked at school, well maybe not when I first met him...but I still don't get it.

How has he never repeated a year? He didn't understand a thing last time! How is he in his senior year if he doesn't understand the basics?! He gets on my nerves especially when he doesn't take this seriously. Though, I'll admit that his usual self has always pissed me off since I met him.

Despite everything, he hasn't said a word to me nor did he do anything to me ever since our last tutoring session.

He's back from avoiding me like before! I don't understand why he's acting that way! It's not even like him to do that!

He can't possibly start not giving a damn about me after all those years. It's never been like him. He'll basically do anything just to taunt me. He loves throwing me off, I can tell.

Did kissing me at Spin the Bottle at Pamela's party threw him off that badly? I get that it disgusts him but he knows I'm gay. Wait, don't tell me he's scared I'd want to do that again or I'm thinking about him that way! Oh hell no...!

Ugh, I'm thinking about that kiss again. Why can't I stop thinking about it? I just keep imagining his lips on mine and how his lips tasted on mine last time. No! Stop it! Stop thinking about it!

I thought I would forget about the kiss but I guess I haven't. Why am I still thinking about it? Why am I thinking about that kiss that way!?

I get that it was my first kiss but why does the moment I kiss someone for the first time, I get to start yearning for them?

And now I'm thinking about the last session! He was...It was so strange it was like he was checking me out. Why did he do that?! If he were disgusted by me he wouldn't do that, right?!

Is this a way to piss me off because he knows I'm gay? Ugh! Stop thinking about it!

The more I tell myself the more I think about it...

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