Chapter 15: Her Laugh

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I dropped the heart to the ground and crushed it beneath my foot. When I picked my foot up the heart was gone and the blood was slowly being soaked up by the ground as if the land was drinking it.

Weird ass trees.

I lifted my eyes from the ground and my heart froze.


It was her, but it wasn't her at the same time.

There were bruises everywhere on her skin and I could already tell from the limp position of her body that she was knocked out.

I cursed under my breath violently and ran up to her, dropping to my knees to check her over frantically.

"Inform the doctor immediately!" I ordered over my shoulder as one of my guards disappeared, leaving two of my guards left.

I brushed some of the hair from Aubrey's face as my heart shattered at her broken state.

I'll kill him for an eternity. Until he begs for mercy I will never give him.

"Fuck. I'm so sorry my love" I whispered as I picked her up gently in my arms and trying desperately not to hurt her any more than she was.

She cried out as my arms touched her but when her head rested against my she calmed slightly.

"It's ok, it's ok" I whispered over and over again, kissing her forehead and hoping she would be ok.

This is all my fault.

Ivan's POV-
*Present time*

Seeing her absolutely terrified and broke me in multiple ways.

What pained me even more was when she didn't even have the strength to open her black and bruised eyes.

I hated her being in pain and I wished to take it away from her but I couldn't, I didn't have that power. I only had the power to heal myself which is a selfish power I loved before but now I dreaded it.

As she laid on my chest wrapped in bandages and on light painkillers just enough to hold her over my thoughts wondered everywhere.

I can take her back to him.

He can heal her.

But I don't want her there, I want her with me.

Admittedly I was a selfish man.

I knew that father could heal her instantly, take her agony away, but the thought of her being away from me even for a moment in pain made me want to go down to earth to burn everything.

I'm was selfish person, but it didn't suprise me just disappointed me.

I wish I was better for her. I don't deserve her.

I don't deserve anything really.

Aubrey started to wake in my arms and once again I mumbled soft things in her ear as she woke up.

I didn't want her to get scared again. The last thing I wanted was her freaking out and hurting herself again.

"Hey sweetheart. You're in my room, you're with me. Your safe. He I'll never hurt you ever again" I mumbled repeatedly in her ear as she mumbled things groggily back to me.

"Hey, you want some food?" I asked hesitantly while brushing my thumb lighting over the part of her cheek which wasn't bruised.

I didn't remember if the doctor said if she was okay to eat food right now, so my go to plan was just to make her some soup at the moment.

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