Chapter 10: Balance

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Aubrey's POV-

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Aubrey's POV-

After Marabella and I's fight and after I went to the spare room I sat on the edge of that bed for what was like hours...before I was fed up.

Frustrated and overwhelmed my thought process was all mixed into actions.

I had to go somewhere. I needed answers. I needed the truth.

When it hit around sunset I had sat in the room for hours just pacing, sitting with my thoughts and overthinking. The new information that she had shouted into my ears was catastrophic to my emotions, and I felt awful.

It was a terrible mix of overwhelming information and the timing in my ears from her voice.

It hurt that she yelled at me, takes about my mom—but what hurt the most was that Ivan had lied to me.

So after not thinking about my actions I got up when I was sure that Marabella was busy outside of the house with chores and I tiptoes out of the room.

I know she wasn't in the house by the still silence in the walls. Even though she was baby sitting me she had work to do, and that was my opportunity.

So when the back door creaked shut behind her light touch I rushed the front door, and I was freed.


I began to trot along the town, the few people who were still wandering about looked at me weirdly because they probably heard our fight. But after all their stares dimmed down I had made it to the edge of the town and to the field.

I needed to clear my mind. I wasn't going to cross the gate, not becuase she said not to but because I decided not to. I was petty like that.

I just needed the sound of nature to surround me with its tranquility.

So I walked to the aspen tree and sat at its trunk, leaning against it with a heavy sigh.

Why must things be so complicated?

I thought when I died, that all my troubles would simply disappear. But I was so very wrong.

It seemed as if my problems only grew.

I guess that was partly my fault for crossing the gate. I had no excuse. I did it purely out of curiosity and impulse.

But why was it an impulse in the first place?

Out of boredom I picked up a small white Heather flower with the tips of my fingers. I remembered my mom always talking about them.

White heathers only grew on land that had not been tainted by war and anger. They only grew under certain conditions of peace and prosperity. They symbolized good luck and peace. It made sense since I was in heaven.

Why were there only white heathers around this tree though?
Through out my entire walk through the field never had I seen another white Heather and that was extremely strange as they grew up to hundreds if not thousands in feet around soils of land.

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