"My husband had a heart attack and Amaya has to give him blood , just because you're married to her doesn't mean you have to be here" she says the last part annoyed.

"I do and she called me so thats why I'm here actually" I tell her. She looks at me for a second then looks away.

"Leave, she must've butt dialed you" she spits venomously.

"Im afraid you are the one who sold your daughter to me , you can't tell me to leave my property to you. " I say starting to get annoyed at her.

She was giving me such a hard time, I walk to a seat oppposit hers and I take out my phone.

"Martha, I won't be back in the office today. Cancel all my meetings and reschedule them for next week", she hums an okay into the phone and I hang up.

It was really eating me up from the inside that Amaya may not be okay........ I don't know why I suddenly care whether or not she's okay ,  I mean she's just payment for a broken deal.... Right?


I wake up to the faint sound of a beeping noise which I assume is coming from the machines I'm attached too.

I slowly open my eyes and I immediately shut them as the white light in the room temporarily blinds me.

" mam the blood transfusion was successful, but you will have to stay here for a few days and be under certain observations and you'll undergo some tests. Is that alright? " the doctor asks me, like I have a choice. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and instead I just give a slight nod.

A male figure suddenly runs into the room.... Was that Liam.

"Liam.... What" I say trying to talk as I was finding it hard to move my mouth. "It's okay have some water" he says putting a glass to my lips, I sip the water carefully as he feeds it to me.

"Thank you" i whisper. He looks into my eyes and I looks in it his as well. His ash orbs pulling me into a deep trance , "are you okay"he asks snapping me out of my trance.

" yeah I'm fine"I say retracting to my bed , pulling a pillow up so I can sit.

My mother rushes in with red eyes puffy cheeks and deep wrinkles. "Baby how are you... Does it hurt anywhere are you alright" she also s. Why is everyone bombarding me with questions.

Suddenly I remember the reason I'm even in the hospital n the first place. Dad.

"Mom where is dad , is he okay" I almost scream out. I try jumping out of bed but Liam holds my hand down to the bed so I couldn't move.

"He's not awake but the doctors say the operation was successful...... But they don't know when he's gonna wake up" she says the last part with a sob.

"What do you mean by they don't know when he's gonna wake up. How the fuck did this even happen" I ask her tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Look you need to calm down, you just woke up after a while. Stop stressing so much" Lima says calmly. I look at him, and there are creases of worry on his face.

"Liam you don't understand what I'm going through what we're going through". I say motioning to mum and I.

" mum you should go back home and rest, you look exhausted also there is a facial mask therapy in my drawer back home. Use it" I tell her pecking her cheeks.

"Thank you Amaya everything is going to be okay" she says hugging me tightly after placing a soft kiss on my forehead, she makes her way out of the room.

"You called me Amaya. That's why I'm here" Liam saying holding my hand in his. Something about him being here cause I called him made my heart jump and my stomach fill with butterflies.

Forced With HopeWhere stories live. Discover now