Chapter Three

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"You, Sam Winchester, are a beautiful fucking idiot that I know I taught better

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"You, Sam Winchester, are a beautiful fucking idiot that I know I taught better."


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Flipping the seventy fourth angel blade in my grasp I toss it out into the corn field. Laying it to rest with yet another Angel. Closing my eyes I drag my hands through my dirty hair slick with sweat. Covered in muck from the tussle I took with this angel. Exhustion weighs on my bones and it takes everything I have not to drop back down in the mud. I might just not get up.

"Heaven is in uproar and you're leaving battalions in carnage."

Clenching and unclenching my bruised fist, I mutter "I'm sure there is still enough shitty Angels to go around and do plenty of shitty things."

"It's not as if you're holding back." Sighing, I shake my head at Cas. I could've used restraint. Instead I feel myself feed into that hate and the bitter taste in my mouth. I let it consume me. If it does then I don't have to think on that tiny spark of regret. "Raphael is not happy with you."

"Nobody generally is" I mutter to Cas "That's not a strictly Angel thing."

"No. It appears to be a strictly Eleanor thing" Cas disapproves, his gaze staring down at me "I can only do what I can. I've not got 'the juice' as you put it to lay the matter entirely to rest. You know they've coined a term for you?" My gaze slide to Cas, he tucks his hands behind his back "I will not repeat a word. Not because it is chillingly accurate... but because I know it is not you."

Rolling my lip I reach for Cas's hand. Squeezing it assuredly. It's not like I haven't heard it from their lips before I plunge their blade into them. I doubt it'll be the last. "You don't gotta watch out for me Cas" I continue squeezng his hand "I've got it."

"I understand" Castiel offers me a small smile "But you are my friend Eleanor. Friends watch over each other. Even when the world considers them murderous..."


Snatching his hand out of mine, Cas spitefully grumbles "It is still not appropriate to laugh."

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