Moving On

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We are in the car on the way to ROMANS. I have to say I'm nervous. What if I embarrass them or make a fool of myself the closer we get, the more nervous I feel.
"You ok?" David says
"I'm nervous."
"Why?" Len asks. I sit and think should I tell them.
"It's just what if I embarrass you or spill my drink or"
"Kylie, you will be ok. we are with you," Mike says
"Lenny puts his napkin in his shirt," Carl says
"I think I'll be doing the same." I laugh
"See see Lenny says we laugh we pull up outside ROMANS and my nerves are still there but not as bad I get out and take David's hand he squeezes it lightly we walk in a young woman is there.
"Hello, do you have a reservation?"
"Yes, it's under the name Porter," David says
"I have it here, table for five."
"That's right," David says she picks up five menus.
"This way, please." We follow her to our table. David pulls out my chair
"Thank you" he kisses my cheek when we are all seated we look at the menus, my eyes nearly pop out of my head at the prices I look for the cheapest thing on the menu but even that is not cheap to me oh no what am I going to do?
"What are you having?" David asks
"I'm not sure,"
"What's wrong?" Len says
"Mmmm, I can't afford anything. looking down into my lap, I hope I can keep the tears at bay
"Kylie, come with me." Len says David looks at him. I get up and go with him. I keep my head down. We go to a quiet area in the bar."
"Sit down," I do as I'm told. "I want you to listen to me."
"We are here tonight to celebrate your birthday,"
"No, kylie, let me finish. We are here to celebrate your birthday, and it's our treat," he holds up his hand to silence me. "we would never embarrass you in any way we all love you and can see the kind heart you have. Yes you have a shit start in life and as from the day we met you I hope we have made it a bit better, this will make us happy seeing you happy, I know it's not the point but we can afford it, you have become like the sister I never had the same is for Mike and Carl do you understand?". We wouldn't do this for anyone. You have a loving heart, and it makes us happy to see you smile your part of our family. " By the time he finishes, I am in tears.
"You all love me?"
"We do!"
"Nobody has ever said they love me." Len gets up and sits beside me and wraps his arms around me
"Well, you will be hearing it a lot." I smile
"Come on, let's go." We get up and back next to the table.
"Is everything ok?" David asks
"Yes, sorry about that."
"No need to be sorry," Mike says
"So what are you having, kylie?" Carl says
"I'll have the steak with jacket potatoes." The waiter comes. We all order. I have an orange juice as well
"Present time," Lenny says "here kylie open mine happy birthday, sis."
"Thank you," he raises his eyebrow "B-brother" he smiles at me, gives me a thumbs up, I take the package, and place it on the table. I take the lid off and pull back the tissue paper.
"Oh my, it's beautiful." There is an inscription on the front of Kylie's Precious Memories. I run my fingers over the lettering
"Open it," Lenny says. I do as he says, and I see the pictures that Mrs Morris gave me neatly arranged page after page I look through with tears in my eyes. I love it. I close the book and place the tissue paper back, putting the lid on top. I get from my seat and walk to Lenny he stands up, and I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek.
"I love it, thank you so much."
"You're welcome." he hands me a tissue. I walk back around and take my seat again, reaching for David's hand he links our fingers together.
"My turn," Mike says he passes his parcel over
"Thank you, Mike,"
"Where's my brother?" he pouts. I smile at him
"Thank you, brother." I blush
"That's better I hope you like it" I open the box it's an iPod it's fantastic I get up and go round the table Mike gets up I hug him kissing his cheek making my way back to my seat I pick up the iPod and look at it. I turn it on. There is a picture of the four of them. I love it putting it back carefully in the box. I close the lid and put it on the top of my photo album box.
My turn, " Carl says, and I laugh."Here you are, kylie. " I take the box and open it. oh my god, it's an iPhone, and it looks expensive. All my gifts do I turn it over, and it's gold. I push the button on the front and see a picture of the lake it's perfect. I make my way to Carl he opens his arms, and I walk right in. I hug him.
"Thank you. Brother, " when I say that he hugs me tighter walking back to my seat, I look at the boxes when David speaks up
"Last but not least," David says
"But you already brought me this amazing dress,"
"I got you this to." he hands me a box. I open it. "Oh my, it's a gold necklace with a hear and a red stone in it."You like it?"
"No I love it" he smiles at me and stands up he takes the necklace out the box and moves behind me I move my hair and he'd clips it In place around my neck I look down and it hangs nicely just above my breasts
"Thank you, David." I kiss his lips, and he smiles
"Well, we did that In time," Lenny says. Just as our waiter brings our order, he places mine in front of me
"Thank you, I say."
We eat our food, there are laughs and smiles, and it feels wonderful. I had a fantastic time. when the bill comes they don't let me see it David places his card in the leather wallet once the bill is paid we get up to leave and Lenny grabs my presents I take hold of David's hand as we make our way out we all get in the car.
"Kylie, I want to take you somewhere. Is that ok?"
"Yes." i rest my head on David's shoulder. once the car stops, the door is opened for me, and I gasp. we are at the cemetery. David comes around to my side.
"This is where your father is buried," and I kiss him he looks so surprised
"Thank you for bringing me here,"
"Ok, let's go." i take David's hand and look back to see the guys are there. "Are you not coming?"
"No, just you and David this time," Mike says.
We walk on the path and then on the grass we come to a stop at a grave it looks like nobody has been here for a while, the headstone is covered and it needs some tlc David releases my hand and pulls the weeds off the head stone and I look at the writing on the stone.

Here lies
Toby Harris

I look at David. "She didn't even put he had a daughter."
"I know, baby, we can have it changed."
"You're right."
"Kylie, I wanted to ask you something, and it's ok to say no."
"What is it, David?" I take her hands in mine and hope I'm doing this at the right time.
"Kylie Home, will you be my girlfriend?" I look at David, and I know the answer he makes me feel safe, cared for, wanted.
"I would love to be your girlfriend." I blush, he picks me up and spins me around, then lowers me till I'm face level with him, and then we kiss. It was magical.
"Are you ready to go home?"
"I am." We walk back to the car hand in hand. We get in
"Everything ok?" Lenny asks
"Everything is perfect," David says. "Now take me and my girlfriend home." There are congratulations, and I'm so happy for you both. I never thought I would say this, but today has been perfect.

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