Moving On

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I wake up early six am to be precise I got up went to have a shower ,brush my teeth, comb my hair, going back into the bedroom I put my underwear on then pick out black jeans and a whitish t shirt. In the kitchen I do myself some toast all the time I keep looking out for my mother or sister, when I finish I make sure the kitchen is clean, hearing movement up the stairs I tense and wait for them to come down I get up and get the ingredients out ready.
"Mom," I hear Katie say, I don't answer her it's funny how Katie can call Cathy mom when I have to call her mother
"Oh, it must be you, then I want pancakes!" I get to work making her breakfast just as I put it on the table she walks in. she eats her breakfast, grabs her bag, and makes for the front door. where is she going? I wonder if I make my way to the door
"No, you're not coming. I'm going to my friends mom knows," and with that, she is gone.
With mother not up, I decide to go to the one place that I get a little peace.

"Morning," Carl says as I enter the kitchen. we are the only ones up
"Did you sleep ok?"
"Yes not to bad" I reply I go to the sink looking out the window and  I see Kylie walking past , where is she going so early I turn around "I'm going for a run"
"You want some company?" Carl asks
"No, not today." I make my way outside and keep my distance a little bit to see where she is going.

I arrive at the one place I find some peace it's a lake about twenty minutes walk from home I sit here and think, it's early so nobody is around the birds are chirping the sound of the water is so relaxing I don't get to come here so much now so I cherish the chance when I do. Sitting on the grass I take my trainers off and put my feet in the water, here I can let go be me for a while it's about five minuets before I hear a branch snap I tense, oh no not here I think to myself I turn my head and who should I see but

As I follow her, I see her walk down a path through the trees, then she arrives at the lake, I see her sit down and put her feet in the water she looks relaxed, not tense. I step forward onto a branch I see her tense up, She sees me and goes to take her feet out the water "No please don't. I was wondering if I could join you?" She sits there with her feet in the water, I move closer and sit next to her she keeps her head down watching the water.
"Do you come here often?" I could slap myself what a question, the only answer I get is a shake of the head,
"It's very beautiful here", this time, she nods her head."Kylie, look at me, please?" She turns her head towards me. I have to look down. That's better i touch her cheek, and She tense i move my hand away.
"kylie, I'm going to tell you something, and I hope you believe me," she nods. "I would never hurt you."
"I don't know you." She looks at me for a moment, and then she nods her head again
"So, are you working today?"Keeping her head down, she replies
"I work every day."
"Oh," I say
"What do you like to do on your days off?"
"I don't have days off,"
"Really, everybody deserves a break," she doesn't reply. "How old are you?"
"I'm nineteen," she says
"I'm twenty-five,"I tell her. As you know, I'm new to the area. Would you like to show me around?"
"Sorry, i can't."
"Why not?"
"I have work to do at home, then I work at the bar."
"kylie, I hope you don't think this is too forward, but can I have your number?"
"I don't have a phone." i was shocked everyone had a mobile.
"Do you have the time, please?" I get my mobile out.
"7 50am" she jumps to her feet, putting her trainers on, not caring her feet were wet
"I'll walk you home,"
"NO!" She shouts and runs off.

I ran all the way home, getting in the house. Mother was in the front room. I went in to ask her what she wanted for breakfast. As soon as I entered the front room, she started
"Where the fuck have you been?"
"For a walk" I answer
"Well you certainly need the exercise you fat cow but don't be late for my breakfast again after you have done that I need more vodka" ,see mother doesn't work and expects me to pay for everything but I have no money left till I get paid tomorrow.
"I'm sorry but I don't have any money till tomorrow" I stand there wringing my hands
"WHAT" she shouts I stayed quiet next thing I know she picks up the fire poker and hits me across the back I fall to the floor she hits me three more times across the back the pain is unbearable I feel a shape pain at the side of my head and everything goes black.

She ran off. I can't believe it. I have to find out why she is so scared nobody should live in fear. I sit here for a while longer. This really is a beautiful place. I think of kylie she is beautiful from head to toe with her brown hair her brown eyes and that body big breasts ,round stomach she looks like a woman should look to me not like she would break if I touched her. I smile when I think about her getting up. I start to make my way home.  I get home, and the guys are round the table. I tell them about my exchange with kylie, and then I ask them if they want to go to the pub tonight.
"Sure," they say, smiling.
"What's on the agenda today?" Lenny says
"Well answering emails then hit the gym" Mike says, you see we all own a security company together have for five years now so we don't really have to go in and can work from home. After finishing with business for the day. We go over to the gym, we get a tour, and decide to have a years membership. After the workout, we go get a smoothie.
"So kylie," Lenny says
"Yes, kylie, I don't want to sound corny, but from the moment I saw her, I knew I wanted her."
"That's pretty deep, considering you have only met her twice," Carl says
"I know, man, but I've never felt like this before," I reply
"She seems like a nice girl," Mike says.
"Something is going on with her, no disrespect David, but whatever it is is not good," Mike says
"I know, and I'm going to find out what it is," I reply.

I wake up I was still in the front room I'm terrified this was the first time something like this has happened this physical I look down at my shirt and see blood on the front when I finally manage to get up I go upstairs every step hurts the tears slip from my eyes and I'm relieved that I'm on my own. I make my way to the bathroom take my t shirt off it catches on my back making me cry out I turn around and am shocked at what I see four lines across my back they look angry I've got cuts across the marks it makes me cry harder.
"What have I ever done to deserve this?" I put my head in my hands and wince when I catch the left side of my head I pull my hands away,I see a cut just above the side of my ear going up into my hairline, in an hour I have to go to work. I leave my jeans on change the top to black so if it bleeds again it won't be as noticeable, covering the side of my face with my hair so nobody will notice it's coming out on a bruise now but I should get away with it tonight ,once I'm done I start to make my way to the pub I give myself a little extra time I'm hoping my back will ease a bit. I get around the corner to the pub with ten minuets to spare so I just stand there I don't want to go in till I have to, I dare not sit down it hurts to get back up with 2 minutes to go I make a move as I enter the pub I see mother sitting at the bar, I tense she turned around with a smile on her face, Sam looks at me his eyes wide he says to me
"Work in the back with the food. Make sure everything is clean when the orders are ready. Press the bell well don't just stand there. Get to it." I nod my head and walk into the kitchen.

We all get changed to go out, but tonight I want to look really good.
"Come on, you're taking longer than a woman," I laugh, decide on blue jeans black shirt rolled up to the elbows as I make my way down the stairs the guys whistle.
"Fuck off" making sure everything is locked up we make our way to the pub.

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