Moving On

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As we arrived at the pub we went to get a table. I don't see kylie. Disappointed, I looked towards the bar and saw Tiffany ,Lenny, and Carl took pity on us and went to get the drinks. As we were waiting, I asked Mike
"Where do you think kylie is?"
"Maybe she is out the back."
"Maybe," Lenny and Carl arrived with the drinks,
"Bloody hell, that woman just won't quit hold me Carl". we all burst out laughing,
"So where's kylie? I haven't seen her, " Lenny says
"I don't know, but I know she works every day, so she is here."
"Do you fancy something to eat?'" Lenny says
"Can do that food was really good yesterday."
Sam made his way over to take their order. We didn't need menus,
"What can I get you?"
"Can we have cheesy fries?"
"Sure coming up," he went to walk away
"Is kylie here?" I ask
"Yes, and she is working so socialise on her own time."
"What the fuck was his problem?" Mike says
"Fuck nose"I reply
"Don't look now but the skank from last night is looking over here" Lenny says
"As long as she don't come over I'm not bothered" Mike says I was getting irritated not seeing kylie something didn't feel right.

All I want to do is take some tablets and lie down it hurts to move and my t shirt rubs against the skin, Sam walks in puts an order on the table and walks out, I pick it up cheesy fries so I get to work gritting my teeth to stop myself crying out. As soon as the order is done, I press the bell. Sam comes back to pick it up and takes it out. I'm washing some plates when he sticks his head around the doorway
"We need you out here with serving!"
"Ok," I say. I make my way into the bar, keeping my head down. Once there, I start serving. I walk past my mother
"Bitch" I hear her say I try to stop the tears but one escapes she see it and starts laughing "Do you think anyone gives a shit about you?"
"Why?" I ask my head down
"It will teach you not to forget my vodka again won't it" ,I walk away all this over a bottle of vodka. I keep serving.

I see kylie come into the bar but something is wrong I can tell it's like she's in pain I get up and make my way to the bar the guys look at me when I get there she is talking to the skank so I wait till she is finished she keeps her head down when she gets In front of me.
"Look at me, please, kylie?" she tenses
"Beer, is it?"
"Please, kylie, look at me." it takes a minute, but when she does look at me, all I see is red.
"WHO THE FUCK DID THAT "I roar she cowers back from me I hate that she did that but I was just so shocked Lenny, Mike and Carl were by my side moments later.
"Oh honey" Lenny said "who did that to you?" she puts her head down the whole pub was quite now, the skank says
"She's fine",what the fuck is wrong with this woman?
"Her mother shouldn't of let her come to work she should of took her to the hospital come on kylie I'll take you to the hospital then let your mother know"
"I said she is fine" the skank said
"Who the fuck are you?"
"Well handsome I'm her mother", my chin literally hit the floor no way.
"You call yourself a mother you let your daughter come to work when she is clearly in pain". I nod at Carl to go round to kylie I had noticed Sam moving closer to her, Carl moves around to go to kylie I hear Sam say
"You can't come round here" but he simply moves Sam out the way.
"Kylie you remember me Carl I'm not going to hurt you what happened?"
"She moves back and trips Carl reached out to steady her with a hand round the back,
"Ow" Carl moved his hand back
"Oh shit", I turned around Carl had blood on his hand,
"We got to get her to the hospital" I went round the bar Carl moved back,
"Please kylie come with me let me help you" Mike was on the phone phoning a taxi.
Luckily there was one near so it got there quick.
"Please, kylie, let me help you." She looks at my hand She puts her hand in mine I gave it a gentle squeeze "Come on sweetheart" ,I walked passed Sam, the skank mother and Tiffany her mother got up "No you stay away" I shout
"I'm her mother," the skank said. I turned to kylie
"Do you want her to come?"She  shakes her head. I turn away from her to her mother
"Stay away!" i said, and with that, i led her to the taxi. She couldn't rest back against the seat I was next to her i told her to hold on to my knee so her back wouldn't hit the seat She didn't even hesitate the pain must be bad we arrived at the hospital she was taken to a cubicle.

I sat on the bed waiting for the doctor ,David was outside the cubicle
"Are you ok, kylie?" I shook my head, realising he couldn't see me, I said
"Can I come in?"
"Ok," I said. He came in and sat beside me. We stayed quiet till the doctor came in.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Walker,"
"Hello," I said he smiled and looked at David
"Are you staying with Miss Home?" David looked at me, and I nodded.
"Yes, doc, I am staying.

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