Moving On

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It's been a restless night. At first, I got to sleep fine, and then about 1am, I woke up and have been looking at the ceiling. I'm nervous about today it's a big day for me going to see a therapist, and then I have Mrs Morris coming round to talk about my father. At last, I will have a picture of him. I can put a face to the name.
I want to know where he is buried so I can go see him I have a secret of my own the guys don't know about, today is my birthday twenty first birthday. I feel so much older I hope that the therapy can help me. I think back to the kiss me and David and i shared last night, and it makes me smile. That is a happy memory for me, and I hope I can make many more.
David is lying on his back, but he suddenly turns over, and his arm comes over me and pulls me to him. I sigh and snuggle closer, and sleep is finally taking over again. Suddenly, I feel myself being shaken. I open my eyes and stretch David is there smiling down at me.
"It's 7: 30" and he hands me a cup of tea. "How are you feeling about today?"
"I understand that!"
"Thank you for taking me"
"It's no problem" I smile and finish my tea.
"I'll be downstairs," he says
"Ok." I get up going to the bathr, om and get in the shower, I brush my te, th blow dry my h, ir and go back into the bedroom. I pick out some white trousers , white panties, and bra with a pink top. once I'm dressed my tummy rumbles so I make my way downstairs where David is I go to the cupboard and get some cereal that's all I can stomach at the moment I grab the milk and sit down.
"Where are the others?"
"Oh, they all went to the office today,"
"Did you need to go cause if you did, I can go on the bus?"
"No I don't and do you think any of us would let you go on the bus" I shake my head in the time that I have come to be with these guys I know that there is no point in arguing with them. Time is going so quickly, and before I know it, it's time to leave.
"Are you ready?"
"As I'll ever be." We head outside, locking the door and get into the car. Once in the car, David takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
"Just remember you're not on your own!"
"Thank you, that means a lot." As we are driving, he keeps looking at me from the corner of his eye. I know that he knows that I'm feeling nervous. once we arrive, it's 9: 20, so I sit there, taking in deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. I look at the clock in the dash board 9 25
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, let's go,"
"We walk in, and there is a lady behind a desk. "Hello, how may I help you?"
"I have an appointment with Susan Carter,"
"Name, please."
"Kylie Home"
"Can I just take your date of birth, please?" I hesitate David looks at me
"It's 16th June 1995"
"Thank you. You're all booked in Susan. You will come out to collect you,"
"Thank you." we sit down
"Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday?"
"It's just a day to me." David looks at me, so I continue. " I have never celebrated a birthday. I have no friends apart from you guys." I shrug. David goes to say something, but Susan comes out.
"I'm Susan. Would you like to come with me?"
"Ok, I look at David "um I'll see you at home, "
"No, I'll stay here,"
"Are you sure?"
"I am,"

As I watch kylie go with Susan, I call  Lenny "Hi" Lenny says
"Hey, are you guys all together ?"
"Yep, want me to put you on speaker?"
"Hey, what's up?" Mike says
"I just found out it's kylie's birthday today, 20th,"
"Really, why didn't she say?"
"She has never celebrated a birthday she says it's just another day."
"Well, we have to change that!" Carl says
"As you know I'm at the therapy with her so I was hoping that you would go shopping for me Lenny pick out a nice dress and shoes, Mike find a nice restaurant and book us a table for the five of us"
"David," Lenny says. "I'll get what you want. Leave the rest to us."
"You guys are great!"
"We know!" they laugh
"Alright later,"
"Later," we disconnect. "

I follow Susan into the room and sit down, "Kylie in this room I'm here to help you with whatever you want help with ,this is a place to laugh, cry, throw a tantrum let yourself do what you never did before I will not judge you I am here to help. Tell me what your childhood was like?".
"It was ok. I guess I mean, I had no friends. I wasn't aloud out. Sometimes, I didn't even go to school. I had to clean.
"How does that make you feel?"
"Sad alone worthless unworthy of love and something wrong with me."
"Do you still feel that way today?."
"Yes. The rest of the hour I spend telling her my story ,she didn't ask any more questions just wrote down notes and I cried and cried she gave me tissues every now and then asking if I could continue it felt good to let it out it felt good to cry.
"Kylie, I think that's enough for today. we have a lot of work to do, and if you're willing to make a weekly appointment with me, I'll help you!." she smiles at me
"I'd like that,"
"Ok, so if we make this time our time every week,"
"Yes, that's fine,"
"Good." she hands me a card
Tuesday 9: 30am
Susan carter
Every week
Phone number
"Thank you,"
"I'll see you next week." I get up and leave walking back into the reception area. I see David he looks at me, stands up, and opens his arms. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him.
I see the receptionist look at me with a smile on her face. I smile back. we stand there for a few minutes wrapped up in each other.
"You ready to go?" I nod my head. we head out to the car once inside. I hand David the card, and he looks at it.
"Every week for how long? "How do you feel about it?"
"David, I'm happy to give it a go. I don't know if it will work. If I don't try, I'll never know. "
"Ok," he smiles at me. "Do you want to go to a cafe? Have a drink?."
"Yes, that would be nice." We pull up to a diner and walk inside. There is a woman behind the counter
"Hello my dears, what can I get you?"
"Can I have a coffee, please?" David says
"I'll have a tea, please,"
"Coming right up, why don't you sit down? I'll bring it over!"
"Thank you." we both say we sit down in a booth. David tells me a joke, and I laugh, then the bell goes over the door, and my smile fades.

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