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Daniel's POV

I'm sitting dumbfounded in my class, concentration is hard while my perceptions are in daze. Whatever Mr. Andrews is teaching is going in from one ear and leaving from another. I didn't wanted to go to school today, but dad kept on pestering me. Ahhhhh, I groaned realizing that there are still good 40 minutes left for this class to be over.

I can't help, as my mind kept wandering to events of the past. I had a perfect childhood, full of love and laughter. A family too beautiful to make anyone envious . Everything was too good, and I used to think it'll stay like that. But fate can be cruel while time is a mocker .Two fathers along with a rock for a sister. A pack filled with trust and support. And then a catastrophic wave hit us and everything fell apart. It wasn't just that day but everyday some part of our lives kept falling apart. Years have passed, and nothing is left like before. Sadness and distress overshadows our lives. I have seen a view, no one should ever be that unlucky to see it.

But the past is not that scares me, it's the future and what it holds for me. Usually lost things are supposed to give happiness after they are found. But, I guess people don't work like that. "Time changes everyone", and I don't want to believe it. For years I have a firm belief that everything would be alright, one day we'll be once again a loving family.

It's not like I don't know, how absurd it sounds, but hoping does not kill anyone. There's a spark in me ready to ignite into a fire or extinguish in a worst way possible. In just two days Eva would be here. It's the most pleasant news of my life, but still I'm not happy, as much as I should be. A fear, overpowers me and it's worst than death. I'm scared of being hated and especially by her, who promised to protect me forever. As a warrior, for me fear of death is nothing than being hated by the people I love.

It pains me, when everyone mentions 'how lucky I'm to be the chosen one'. Well they aren't wrong, indeed I'm the lucky one. The one, who never in his life has faced a war, never been harmed, never been secluded from any luxuries, never has to leave his own people and instead of being thankful, I fight with my parents. But I never asked for it, all I wanted was to be with my sister, than maybe, maybe we'll still have a hard life but atleast we'll still be together.

How can they separate me from my other half? There was never a day, when we spent time apart. We used to sleep in same room, because only she'll know, how scared I get when I'm alone. She always used to be the more prettier, more stronger and more popular one. She always had a kind smile on her face similar to dad. If anything happened, I used to run to her like a kicked puppy. I should be the one, who should be sent instead of her. I was the weaker one, the dumb one. But they sent her away for nine fucking years. I hate dad and papa, but still I don't like to take out my anger on them. I'll hole up my anger, whenever I see papa tearing up on so many occasions. Dad would try to comfort him, but their sadness would be visible to even blind eyes.

But still I'll fail to understand, why would they send her away in the first place and than act like all broken. Yeah you heard it right I call their sadness an 'act' because they called this upon themselves, their tears are worthless. They'll often tell me that they didn't had a choice, but on asking they would never tell the reason. It's because of them I lived most of my life without my sister and if she'll hate me, they'll be the sole reason for it.

"She wont hate you, she's our sister" Axel said it like he knew her, but the fact is we both don't know her a bit. "We don't know anything Axel, and don't try to make me feel better because it isn't working".

The Eva, I know from years ago would never hate me but I don't know now. I fucking hate it, when people call her a killing machine, a colossus or even death itself. My heart knows that this can never be true, but I hate my mind for raising the 'if' question. She has the kindest heart, too big for a person. She never raised her voice at anyone, always soft spoken. She would always stand up for weaker people. It was four years ago when we first heard about the Fronzer rogues being wiped out by Moon Stone Pack, hundreds of rogues killed by a warrior named Evageline Kingstone. Astonishment was it at its peak, dad and papa were petrified.

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