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As promised by alpha my car arrived before breakfast. Leon alpha's son brought it to the warrior house. I could see a lot of people gaping at the car with open mouths.

"Holy shit this is 2017 Chevy Impala" Harvey screamed.

"Goddess this is magnificent" followed by a scream from gene.

"Why is it black?" Even if I haven't heard the voice, I knew it was Taylor.

But true to the words, the car looked really nice. It looks really expensive and it is big. I always love big cars." Here are your keys" Leon handed them to me with a beaming smile. " I hope you like it Ms Eva " he asked politely.

"I like it a lot thank you"

" Your welcome , my dad wanted to bring it on his own but he got caught up in a meeting."

"It's fine don't worry, I'll thank him on my own later "

After breakfast we all went for a drive and I must admit the car was very smooth and I loved it. Later on I went to the pack house to thank alpha Charles for his gift and collect my graduating documents.

"Evangeline do you liked your car?"

Luna asked me with a beautiful motherly smile." I liked it a lot thanks Luna" I bowed showing my respect .

"What did we talked about thank you's "alpha scolded from behind the counter. I was wordless for a second, they both chuckled. They are such a kind couple. "so when are you leaving Eva" Luna asked.

"next week Luna "

"I have no doubt, with your abilities and strength your pack would basically become invincible" Luna said with high praise in her eyes. Now I know why they are mates.

"Alpha are my documents ready?"I asked him ignoring the earlier comment.

"Yup they are and don't worry we have send all your credits to your pack. I have told Alpha Jamison all about your successful missions and believe me he can't wait to have you back." He said like it's a good thing.

That person didn't waited to throw me out too. "Eva we both wish you a successful life, and will pray to moon goddess that you'll get everything you want." Luna wished.

"Thanks both of you"

I excused myself and stood up but before I could leave alpha stopped me" Eva" he called. Weird, alpha always call me by my full name.

"Yes alpha" he took a deep sigh before forcing out his next words.

"Child, if things get too hard or too tough, just know that you can always come back."

I looked at him dumbfounded." What?"

"Nothing is hidden from us honey, we know that nothing has been easy for you, life has already given you a hard time, so if it gets a lot harder, just always remember that you'll have a family here who'll welcome you with open arms " Luna said with a warmth unknown to me.

I tried to open my mouth, but words were stuck in my throat. "you don't have to say anything" alpha said and I just nodded, to them, to myself. Why isn't alpha Charles my alpha too? , why I'm not the part of his pack?

Excusing myself I made my way back to warrior house.

"They are really a great couple" Ezra said.

"Yes they are, but I wish that day would never come, where I can't take it anymore."

Reaching my room, I started packing my stuff little by little. I hate packing and I hate it more if it's not organised. In less than a week I'm leaving, I'll miss some people here, but I know I won't miss this place, it has too many horrible memories , I wish I could forget. The pain, the agony, I won't even wish my enemy to go through it.

"Eva are you happy to leave this place "Ezra asked me out of nowhere.

"I'm not happy neither sad Ezra. I can't feel anything, I'm the spawn of devil, a killing machine, just a weapon and weapons don't......"

"don't start Eva , don't fucking say it "

"I don't, people do ez". Ezra huffed angrily.

"Fuck them all, you are no devil, no machine. You are a blessing of the god Erebus, a gift to all these people and if something just crawled up their ass and died it's not your fucking fault." Ezra being like this kind of takes a small hurting part of me.

"Ez you are swearing too much." But she just ignored me.

"Eva for you I'll happily kill that old geezer and his witch" I took a deep sigh, I need to calm her . "Everything is over Ezra, we are free now" I told her not believing in my own words. "Are we?" This is not just a question it's a statement. It doesn't matter how many times I try to accept I'm free but the truth is I am not. "I don't know ez" I replied, honestly there is no point of hiding my true self from my other part.

Ezra sighed "let's forget about it screw packing. Why don't we watch a movie"

I quickly agreed to her. I need to take my mind off or I'll just keep falling in the turmoil of my own mind.


I didn't remember falling asleep between the movie. But I regret doing it, it's like my brain is my biggest enemy. Whenever I think I am at my best it waters down my expectations with it's greatest weapon 'dreams' or the more appropriate word 'nightmare'. Even after waking up my mind remained in the daze of the pictures, I try hard to forget. Whom am I kidding, I'm not doing well. I don't want to live here neither I want to go back. I just want to go somewhere where I'm truly free. Where I'm loved for being me, I don't want my so called gifts, I never asked for it. Why god? They are not a blessing. They are a curse for me. Why didn't the god let me die in my sire's womb.

Why bought me to a world where there's nothing but misery for me. Either people consider me a demon or a protector, for them I'm a heartless bastard who can kill without a single spec of mercy. I hate it, I hate to kill, I do feel bad too.

It hurts to be thrown away by the people you love, people you trusted. I'm nothing, just a machine which waits for orders and than kill again and again and the cycle never ends.

I oathed to myself that I would never ever kill someone using my gifts . I would never fight an unfair battle. If this is freedom I don't want it. Ezra is right this can't be freedom.

I'm not happy, I never am. Happiness is like a distant emotion I once knew but long forgotten. Now there is nothing but sadness, it accompanys me everywhere. Atleast I could say that there is something along with Ezra that never leaves me.

The evening crept by and the darkness of the night slowly swooned in. But I still can't stop myself from thinking the worst, how can I when that's all life throws at me.

I hate myself for hating my family, my pack. They are happy, happy without me. What have I ever done wrong that they sent me away without even explaining. Alpha Jamison was my uncle and now he's just an alpha I'm obliged to serve. I always followed all the pack rules , than why did he threw me out.

I hate myself when I get like this, why can't I just let it go. I'm a grown ass woman and still I'm so pathetic. No doubt they threw me out. I'm so petty. I don't have anything because I deserve nothing. Ezra is wrong, I feel so bad that she's stuck with a abomination like me. How can she want me when my own parents don't. I could feel my throat tightening. I loathe this . For heaven's sake please please moon goddess don't make me suffer. Please vanish my memories it torments me, though scars are healed, but it still aches so bad. But what hurts more is the betrayal. I don't want to go the people who one's promised to be with me forever, love me forever. Nine years, I haven't even heard their voices.

Everyday is same train ourselves, get tortured, trigger yourself, increase pain resistance every fucking day. I'm tired, so tired. I want to be free.

I ignored the call for the dinner and forced myself to sleep.

A dreamless sleep is all I could wish.


So this is the second chapter. Eva is a strong character with an aching past. Stay with me to know what had lead to her suffering. There would be mystery, romance and good action.

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