35-Sheet Fort/Blacking Out

Start from the beginning

Call it a bad attitude dude
I'm never gonna cover up that tattoo
I might have a couple issues
You say, "Me too." (yeah)
Don't care about a reputation
Must be living in the wrong generation
This is your invitation
Let's get wasted

I jumped about while making my way past the front row, giving high fives as I went.

It's a little different when
I'm with you
You know what I really am
All about
You know how the story goes
Oh, oh, oh

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio
What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let 'em know that we're still rock 'n roll

Rock 'n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll, yeah

Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah

I put the microphone towards a teenage girl who looked starstruck that I was near her, she sang shakily with me.

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio

What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let 'em know that we're still rock 'n roll

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio

What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let 'em know that we're still rock 'n roll

I ran back onto the stage and jumped about more, making myself out of breath. I really need to start going to the gym..

Rock 'n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll
Hey hey hey

"What's next, my lovelies?" I sang into the microphone, getting numerous high-pitched squeals.

"Oath!" I froze at the one song that overpowered all of the other requests. Crap..

"Umm- Dani isn't feeling too well, she went back to the hotel straight after her set. Sorry guys.." I had to lie, in order to know why we weren't friends anymore you would need to know what happened to me and I don't want anyone else knowing.

"I hear 'When You're Gone' being requested so that's what will be played!" I smiled at my cover up.

-Michael's POV-

I waited patiently as I kept refreshing Kyra's Twitter profile, hoping that she would tweet about the show. Just so I would know that I was able to contact without disturbing her too much.

I must have been sitting here for at least an hour, eyes trained on the top of Kyra's page. A new tweet caught my sight quickly.

@KyraWrightXO great show tonight Cali! Loving all the signs too! Glad to see a few more dads dotted about, some could have been a little more enthusiastic though! All the love :)) x

I laughed slightly at the dad part. I made a rational decision not to call her. She needs her sleep and I certainly wouldn't help.

-Kyra's POV-

Ana, Roxelle and I were all snuggled in the lounge of Ana's house, under a sheet fort made with the dining room chairs. Duvets and pillows softened the laminate flooring and snacks of all sorts were littered in all directions.

"This was a brilliant idea! I'm loving it already!" I smiled towards Rox. I've never seen her this smiley since I've met her, it made me feel slightly happier.

Broken American Girl (Michael Clifford - 5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now