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On some occasions, when the two kids would be feeling restless, they would start to play fight.

It would usually be Mono who started these little matches of theirs, often aggravating Six enough so that he could have his fun, like what he's currently doing right now!..





It would be the usual rainy night in the Pale City, Mono and Six, having to wait out the rain for the rest of the night before they could continue Mono's adventure.

They hid out in an alleyway, taking coverage in a bunch of cardboard boxes stacked upon each other. If you looked at it in a certain way, it would somewhat look like a little city, with some of the boxes being cut open to lead to another box.

Six would be sleepily looking around at her surroundings, listening to the rains pitted patter as it splashed against the concrete.

Meanwhile, Mono wasn't enjoying the rain as much. He tapped his foot against the boxes cardboard floor while he fidgeted with the hem of his trenchcoat.

He had too much built-up energy. He and Six had not been out long enough for him to tire himself out.

Mono slowly turned his gaze towards Six, watching as she was just staring out the cardboard box. Presumably zoned out, so he crawled a little closer to her and would poke at her shoulder every once in a while.

It would go one poke, no reaction. Another poke, still no reaction. But on the third poke, she whipped her head around at him and glared.


Mono innocently proclaimed, acting oblivious.


Six gave no reply, turning her head back around to look at the rain again.





Six's eyes widened with irritation, twisting her whole body around to face him. She didn't like being touched, especially if it was just to mess with her.

"What, Mono?"

She asked, her voice quiet and raspy.

"Hm? I'm not doing anything, Six."

"Yes, you are! You're touching me!"

She pointed an accusatory finger at him, hissing out quietly.

Mono had a very cheeky, mischievous grin display underneath his mask, one that Six would not be able to see.

"I'm just sitting here!"

He retorted, pushing her finger away. That seemed to have really aggravated Six, causing her to push his face back as his bag made a crunch sound.

Mono fell back a little, fixing up his bag while his facial expression grew more sly now that his plan had work.

"Don't get angry at me for something I didn't do."

He calmy said, trying to hold back a laugh and pushed her back as well.

Six caught herself before she could fall, her face scrunching up in annoyance, suddenly tackling Mono to the cardboard floor.

Mono squeaked when that happened, quickly grabbing her as they began to roll and tumbled around on the ground.

It was harmless, just two children playing around with each other. Although Mono was going softer on Six since she was sleepy.

Eventually, Mono had Six pinned to the ground, both children lightly huffing.

"Say I- Huff.. D-Didn't touch you!"

He tried to get her to admit she was wrong even though she obviously wasn't.

Six bared her teeth, violently shaking her head no in response, and started to try and get up.

Mono very quickly pushed down on her shoulders to make her lay still and asked the same question.

This little thing continued on for a few more times until Six gave up, too tired to keep resisting.

"Fine!.. You didn't touch me..."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, hissing that out coldly.

With that, Mono' smile grew to show his teeth seeing as he had won and quickly got off Six.

He laid down next to her, having not as much energy as before, just like he wanted.

"Good, cause I wanna let you know I was infact poking you."

He quickly told her, turning on his side to fall asleep.

Her eyes widened, hurriedly sitting up and leaning over him. She began to hit as his paperbag like a cat. The only response from Mono was his childish giggling.









Word count- 693

Been awhile since I've last updated this book. Ermmm I have nothing to say for that nor any excuses, just that I'm lazy and overtime my writing ig.

My only real excuse is that I'm in hs now, but even then, that's not really an excuse cause I still have time and whatever at home to write. I'm not a busy person.

Anyways, no promises there will be another update in the next couple months. Love you all, byeeeeebeyeyyeyeeee

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