𝗠𝘄𝗮 𝗠𝘄𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗔𝗛𝗛𝗛𝗛𝗛

729 2 15

Tryna make this short since other failures or smthrj

Requested by BeautifulAng3l


"C'mon Six! I see shelter we can hide in!" Mono whisper-yelled to Six before quickly grabbing her hand.

He knew that Six was faster than this, just that she was probably sluggish from being at the hospital, especially with that demented, horrible caterpillar man..

Even the thought of him sent more chills down Monos spine than the heavy rain.

Shaking away the thoughts of him, Mono started to run with Six still in his grasp. He's gonna regret that.

Six was still in her sluggish, tired state she wasn't prepared for that in the slightest, and immediately slipped into a puddle with a little splash. Scraping her face in the process.

She stayed lying there for a couple of seconds, contemplating if she should even get up or not. She was answered when she felt herself getting dragged out of the puddle.

"I'm so sorry, Six! I didn't think you would slip. I should've been more cautious, I'm so sorry!"

His words fell on death ears, her mind too preoccupied with the thought of sleep.

That was 'till she felt her face being shaked.

"Siixx, Siiiiiix. Earth to Siiiix," Mono held onto her face

She was about to groan, but it was replaced with a hiss as she felt the stinging pain on her cheek.

She ripped her face away from his grip and hovered her palm over her cheek.

She huffed in annoyance and pressed her palm flat against her cheek, immediately pulling back, feeling that stinging pain again.

"Ah, Six. Can I take a look? I'll be gentle, I promise." Mono knew that he was gonna take a look at it either way. He knew it brought her pain, and it was his fault, so he felt obligated to. He also would have felt that way, too, even if it wasn't his fault.

She slowly nodded, and Mono grabbed her wrist, bringing it down to her lap. He pulled some hair away from her face and winced a little. The fall did more damage than he thought.

"Again, sorry.."

Six just looked at him with tired eyes.

"It's okay, though. I'll fix it." He added a little cheer to his voice at the end of his sentence.

Going to the hospital was good for one thing, and that was for the medical supplies!

He grabbed the wet end of his coat and started to lightly dab the scrape, trying to get any dirt and a few pebbles out.

She tried to turn away from his motion, but his quick reflexes grabbed her chin and kept it in place.

She groaned and just let him do his thing. It didn't hurt that bad, so she'll just deal with it.

Dropping his coat, he began to dig around his pocket.

Six was glad that she couldn't feel the slight tingling of his coat on her face anymore. Sighing, all she could think of was sleep.. and warmth.

"Sorry, Six, this is gonna hurt." Mono said as he poured purple disinfectant onto a white cloth.

'Excuse you.'

He grabbed her face before she could try and turn away, but instead, it was her other cheek.

"C'mon, Six. We don't want this to get infected, do we." Mono got closer to her face, concentrated, and began to dab her face again. These dab were longer and stung a lot harder. She felt his warm breath on her and shivered.

She growled and tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but that just rubbed her face harder against the cloth.

It hurt so bad, and she was so, so tired.. and also soaking wet.

Before she knew it, she felt little tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Three.. two.. and one! We're finally done, Six!" Mono happily said. He hastily put his medic supplies back into his pockets and pulled out 2 of bandaids.

Carefully, and precisely, he gently placed the 2 bandaids over the scrape. He covered it as best as he could.

He stood up and put his hand out for Six. Feeling nothing grab back, he looked down and saw Six just sitting there.


She looked up, her hair parting out of her eyes.

Her scarlet red eyes shone in the moonlight, along with her tears. They glimmered and danced along with the stars.

"Huh?.." She questioned.

Something compelled in Mono that moment. His ears went red.

Pulling up his mask to his mouth, he kneeled down, grabbed her face, and slowly leaned in closer to it..





His lips slowly pressed against her wound. He stayed like that for a couple of seconds before pulling back.

He stared at her. She stared at him.


"What was that?.."


'Oh no..'

Monos senses came flying back to him, his whole face turning red. He pulled his mask down and started to explain.

"S-sorry.. it was an accident! My mom used to, uhm.. uhm do it for me, and it made me feel better, so uhm, I just thought.. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, I promise! I didn't think at all!" Mono babbled on and on.

Six tuned him out after he stopped talking about his mom.

'It made my cheek feel better, and Mono said it used to make him feel better.. so it's like magic?..'

"Can you do that again?" She cut him off. She tilted her head while staring inquisitively at him.

His face went even redder.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Can you do that again? Please, it's like magic! It makes me feel better, so please?.."



"U-uhm.. okay, Six. But can we get out of the rain first.." He responded shyly.

Six nodded her head with excitement and stood up, grabbing his hand, hauling him up, and speed-walked to the wooden crate Mono pointed out earlier.

Maybe Mono didn't regret doing that, sorta.










It wasn't magic that made her feel better, just Mono.
Word count- 1000

So like basically, writing is a struggle. And so is writing romantic things when you haven't had a crush in a couple of years. That won't stop me, though, I'll keep trying.

I'm gonna go play Mario.

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