𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴

566 5 16

2 in 1 for @BeautifulAng3l





Hmm♪ hm-hmm♪𝄢



𝗛𝗺-𝗵𝗺𝗺♬ 𝗵𝗺♪𝄢 ,,


Mono awoke with shaky breath, his clothes dampened with sweat and rain. Mostly the latter.

The humming in his dream was eerie and cold sounding. It was all he could hear as it just got louder and louder.

In his dream, he wasn't able to move or see. Just listen to the humming while feeling cold wind or breath harshly blow on him.

He wanted to shake the weird little dream away, and when he did that, he felt an agonizing pain spread into his head.

"Aughh.." He breathed out and finally started to take a look at his surroundings.

The first thing he noticed was that he was on a worn down, ripped couch. He looked around some more noticing the peeling wallpaper and dilapidated walls with stains all over them.

He took a second to collect his thoughts together, wandering how he got here. He also let the nagging pain in his head cool down a little, too.

Mono remembered hitting his head on the concrete. He fell from exhaustion and low iron. The last thing he saw was the yellow hem of Six's.. Ss.. Six!

'Where's Six! What happened after i knocked out?!'

As Six took over Mono's thoughts, he began to hear humming. Eyes going wide, a chill quickly slivered up his spine.

As he listened more and more, not daring to move, he noticed.. it sounded much more.. enchanting and charming than the one in his dream.

He hopped off the couch, nearly stumbling to the ground as little black spots clouded his vision. He moved down to the hallway where a door was.

That door was whatever separated the humming, and Mono. For all he knew, it could be a monster, and yet he still prevailed.

'No monster could sound that beautiful..'

Pushing the door open just enough where he could squeeze in, he saw a hole in the roof where rain and the moonlight poured down in, creating a circle of blurred sparkles.

Inside that circle was the glow of a yellow coat, humming as it spun around the room. Content and free.

Mono's jaw dropped in amazement and shock. He's never heard anything like this come from another normal person, let alone Six. Never mind the fact he's barely ever heard her talk!

Unknowingly, he began to slowly trudge towards her, getting closer and closer to the glowing circle of light.

During Six's blur of spinning, she started to see a figure coming out of the shadows into the light. He had a very boxy head.

Six quickly stopped spinning and locked eyes onto the boy, Mono. She gasped, stumbling back and tripped on nothing, falling from her dizziness.

Mono, with his quick instincts, ran to her side before she could land, catching her by the waist while holding her left hand up.

They stayed in that position and looked each other directly in the eyes for a good minute before Mono broke the silence.





With another minute of nothing, he then said,


And so Six complied.

Mono smiled underneath his mask as he heard the alluring humming once again. Unbeknownst to him, he started to slowly shuffle and sway them around, completely entranced with her voice.

Six was very shocked when he first came into the room, especially when he told her to keep humming. She meant for her little 'happy' session to be completely alone, but she actually enjoyed this more with Mono here.

She felt a little stupid that spinning around in the rain could make her feel so light, and now felt even dumber that Mono could make her feel so giggly.

'Who cares. This is the first time I've felt completely safe in a long time'

She began to think before her world spirald into a whirlwind of the rain and light.

Mono had spun her around unexpectedly  and she nearly fell again before he caught her and dipped her low to the floor before bringing her back up once more.

Mono started to spin her more and more as she started to giggle louder and louder.

Mono didn't mind that that had stopped her humming. In his little brain, her giggles sound just as beautiful as her humming.

Soon, they both just began to hold onto eachothers hands and spin in the rain. Their giggles and laughter coating the room along with rain and light.

As they stopped spinning and just let the rain softly pelt against their bodies. Mono decided to be even bolder than he was already being that night and made a pretty risky move.

He lifted his bag and moved her hand closer to his mouth. He gave a light kiss to her hand and grinned while looking down at her.

Her face very quickly got covered pink as her eyes also widened. Her mouth went ever so slightly agape, which made her let out the tiniest of squeeks.

His cheeks went a bit redder when she made that sound. Six very quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment and shame.

Mono began to chuckle from her reaction to that. He had little tears cowering in the corners of his eyes.

"Don't be ashamed, Six. That was cute." He pulled down his mask and grabbed her hand from her mouth. She slowly nodded and covered her face with the shadows of her hood.

Mono almost wanted to start laughing again, but he was way too tired and hungry to do so.

"Let's sleep and find something to eat tomorrow. I'm exhausted.." He said mid yawn.




"Okay, Mono..." She softly replied.










Wore count- 946

I took some inspo from smth I read on Ao3 a while ago for this chapter.

I srsly need to stop writing these chapters on school nights cuz it's currently past 4 am and I haven't slept yet.

Also thank you angel for the request.

I love you all and have a good morning

(Srry 4 the random update. Just had to fix some Grammer mistakes)

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