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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𓂃⋮˚☽˚。⋆

Esme was wandering the block, not a thought in her mind as she remained carefree. Even with bad things happening all around her, she was always able to find peace in the outdoors.

Something about the safety and casual nature of neighborhoods in Alexandria soothed her. It was like watching a movie about past times where she was the star.

From a distance, an unwelcome interruption disrupted her peace, courtesy of a figure she'd rather avoid.

"Hey," a voice, all too familiar and unwanted, cut through the calm.

Esme closed her eyes momentarily, releasing a sigh before turning to locate the source. There, on his porch, rocking in a chair, sat Pete.

"Hi, Pete," she said, slightly confused since he rarely ever addressed her.

He stood, motioning for the girl to come to him. Reluctantly, she complied, jogging up the porch steps and looking up at him, maintaining a cautious distance.

"You've been hanging out with Ron a lot, haven't you?" He asked, the tone in his voice a murky blend that stirred a sense of fear within her.

She grasped the hem of her shirt nervously, the fabric crumpling in her closed fists. "I mean, yeah. I guess so; he's my friend."

"Your friend?" He scoffed, swaying closer, and the unmistakable scent of alcohol wafted from his clothes.  "Friend's don't sleep together, Esme."

Esme's blood ran cold.


Her face flushed, sweat raced down her neck, her breath hitched. Confused was an understatement. She didn't understand how he came to this conclusion, especially since she and Ron had not slept together.

As a result of the girl giving no reply, Pete let out a low growl of displeasure, his eyes narrowing. "Are you fucking my son, Esme?" He asked again, looming so close that his imposing figure cast a shadow over her, making her shrink beneath it.

After a moment of fumbling with her words, Esme was able to force out an answer. "No, Pete, I—"

"Don't you dare lie to me, bitch!" Pete yowled, grabbing hold of the girl's arm with such force that sent a jolt up her spine.

His nails bit into her skin through the thick material of her protective sweater. A panicked yelp slipped past her teeth as she tried to tear away from him, the man not budging at the resistance.

"Pete," she whimpered, her breath now hard and uneven once unable to break free. "Let go of me—"

"I don't want to ever see you, or your murderous people in my home around my family again, do you hear me?!" He bellowed into her face, his hot spit landing on her cheek and seeping into the sturdy medical wrap she wore.

"Yes, okay!" She cried out, desperately attempting to shove his meaty hand off her. Panic surged through her, the situation too eerily familiar. Fighting off a living man wasn't a scenario she wished to revisit.

Tears welled in her eyes as she shut them tightly, trying to soothe herself once she found it getting harder to fill her lungs.

Suddenly, the back of the man's palm collided with the girl's face as he sent his hand hard down onto her. Buzzing pain spread rapidly, a meek squeal of shock tumbling off her tongue.

As she fell back from the force, Pete let go, sending her onto the ground. She grunted upon impact, sitting shakily as she cradled the burning pain. Pete knelt down, invading the quivering girl's personal space.

☆ 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 ★ carl g.Where stories live. Discover now