23- freedom.

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Waking up was a surprise, because Valentino stayed. He actually stayed and held me, but what the fuck? Why am I warming up to him?

I go to sit up but im stopped by his tight grip around me, I trace his arm with my hand, secretely rolling my eyes at the lock im in.

I unlock his hands and sit up, immediately sore inbetween my legs. Woo Hoo. I roll my eyes and go to walk off, but Valentino's morning voice stopped me. Like massively. I full on paused.

"5 more minutes.." He groaned, slightly opening his eyes to look at me.

"Tina, I have to shower" I smile.

He furrows his brows. "Don't call me that.. "

Romanos voice plays over and over in head again . I think that room really made me realise how dangerous this life is. Even though it wasnt really Thst bad.

"So, where do you and little tina meet?"

My stomach feels like an endless pit. Like an unescapable fate. I try to put it aside and listen to Valentino.

"..besides diavolo, I have to shower too," he jumps up and picks me up, pecking gently at my nose. He hurrys to the shower, turns it on and gets in. I laugh at how he forgets to take off his sweatpants, and I have to take off his shirt that I put on last night.

"oh shit," he smiles, I dont think ive ever seen him smile, like properly. Its beautiful sight. He has a dimple on his left cheek, and the way his eyes crease at the sudden happiness, just has something so pure about it. Lifting my shirt over my head, he works at his sweatpants with the spare hand.

He pushes me up against the shower wall, the cold tiles meeting my skin. Water falls down his face as he looks down at me, lifting my leg up to his waist. He kisses my neck hard, like he has missed my touch these past hours.

He bites at a sensitive spot on my neck, making me jump.

"Baby?" he whispers,

He lifts my legs onto his shoulders, holding my balance against the wall tiles.

"can I?" he asks, I push his head into me. I groan and nod, my breath instensifies.

I arch my back when I feel his mouth on me, hits of adrenaline shoot through me.

But one things remains in my head, is not just a single thought its thousand little massive ones. It still lays there, no matter how much i try and try to make it leave, but it wont.

How could Valentino let me stay there -with men who wanted to do god knows what to me?

It won't rid off my mind.

I need to talk to him.

Pushing his head off me, I leave a hot and bothered Valentino behind while I walk to the bathroom.


love just can't be real, right? mafia romance <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora