Chapter 5: A Smart Board friend

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It was the weekend, just having some free time for two days, D.B was doing some paperwork for a special place for his nephews to learn, Ripe was on his phone scrolling through Tiktok on his Fyp (For you page), Slip was just doing some coloring with Peel. It was very quiet and peaceful, it was about 12:30 when D.B finished the papers, he sighed quietly and picked them up to put them in a folder, he thought him and his nephews can go and do something instead of staying in the apartment all day.

"Hey guys, you wanna go to the park?" D.B asked as he looked at his nephews with a smile on his face.

"Yeah!" The three little bananas said with excitement, they then got up and ran to go and get ready, D.B chuckled a little while shaking his top banana head a bit. He got up and placed the folder in his backpack in case he wants to go to the place where they say the schools the little kid foods go. As D.B was patiently waiting for his nephews he gets a notification, he checked to see what it was and it was from Duolingo, he sighed and pressed it to do his Spanish lessons (LIKE ME.. AND THIS GREEN OWL WON'T STOP GIVING ME DEATH GLARES😭). When D.B was done he checked if he had gotten any messages from his boss or his friend, there was nothing, he was relieved and put his phone away.

It was around 1:20 when they got to the park, Ripe was being a good big Brother and played a roleplay with his two younger brothers, D.B smiled and went on his phone to see a notification on Instagram, a comment that said "Wow, you look really cool in that photo! So glad that you're doing well❤️" D.B slightly smiled and put his phone away, he then heard a voice he wasn't familiar with.

"Hiya!" D.B jumped a little and turned around to see a floating smart board with arms and hands, he was smiling a little.

"Oh sorry! Didn't mean to scare ya, My name is Boardy! :)" Boardy shook D.B's hand (or numb) a little, D.B felt a bit dizzy for a moment before shaking it off (it's giving cartoon).

"Hello boardy.. My name is Dancing Banana or D.B for short heh.." D.B nervously chuckled, he never seen a smart board before so this was kinda weird for him to see a smart board for the first time.

"Never seen a smart board before ey?" Boardy assumed, still having a smile on his face or.. Screen...

"Yeah.. I-"

"Well now you've seen one! Pretty cool place, huh?" Boardy interrupt, looking around the park for a second before looking back at D.B. D.B nodded, and he continued to look at his nephews and smile a little, Boardy notices it and looked at D.B.

"Are the three little ones your kids?" Boardy asked, having a question mark appear on the top left of the screen, D.B looked at boardy.

"No, they're my nephews." D.B said, taking a glance at his nephews before looking back at boardy.

"Oh, So you have a friend or a-"

"My older brother.." D.B said looking down at the ground feeling sad, almost trying not to cry, Boardy notices it and felt a little sympathy.

"Did he.. Passed away..?" Boardy asked, D.B nodded and didn't made eye contact.

"O-oh... I'm sorry..." Boardy held his arm with his left hand, looking down.

"No, it's alright, Boardy.." D.B responded, looking at boardy, having a slight smile on his face.

"Are you sure?.. I mean, I couldn't imagine what it felt like to lose someone you've had connection to for years..." Boardy said, having sympathy for D.B.

"Yeah, I'm sure..." D.B responded, having a little smile on his face. Boardy nodded a little, they started talking to each other for a while before D.B looked at the time on his phone it was 2:05.

"Oh, I forgot to do something! I gotta go.. It was nice knowing you, boardy." D.B said, getting up from the bench and grabbing his backpack.

"It was nice knowing you too!" Boardy smiled, D.B's phone dinged and D.B checked to see an unknown number, he opened it to see a message that said "Hiya, it's boardy :)"

"How did you-"

"I have my ways!" Boardy chuckled a little, D.B was a bit confused but shrugged it off. He then told his nephews that they have to go and the four bananas went to the car, D.B and Boardy waved goodbye and D.B drove off. The drive went on for 20 minutes before they arrived at a place, D.B took the folder and went in, it took for about 30 minutes until D.B came back.

"Well guys.. You three are going to school, Ripe will be in middle school and you two are going to be in Elementary" D.B giggled as the three boys groaned.

"Oh come on! It's not gonna be bad! You're gonna make new friends over there! " D.B chuckled before starting the car, The ride took about 10 minutes before they arrived to the apartment. The four bananas got off the car, as they were walking to the apartment D.B looked back to see Pear having a walk, D.B felt something that he had never felt before, he shook it off and went to the apartment.



*gets out a ukulele*

Ain't no way you are about to-

The toxic gossip train...


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