| ix. GOOD AIM

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Everyone in Hogwarts was excited and also stressed with the upcoming third task of The Tri-wizard Tournament

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Everyone in Hogwarts was excited and also stressed with the upcoming third task of The Tri-wizard Tournament. Nobody knew what to expect, but as the day went on, they grew impatient. Not a single student paid attention in class, since they were waiting for the finale. Teachers were annoyed, but smiles tugged at the corners of their lips. Victoria was walking to the stands with Hermione and Ron arguing behind her. She was wearing a pair of black baggy jeans and a black hoodie, while her hair was tied up in a high ponytail. A frown was visible on her face as she took the first free seat, Hermione sitting by her right side and Ron  by her left.

"We've missed the send-offs," She stated, sighing as she leaned back into her seat. "What do we do now?" The girl asked, looking around the stands.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at her. "We wait." She said, returning her attention to the maze.

The girl slowly stood up, putting her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. "I'll go for a short walk," She started walking towards the forest. "You know I can't sit in one place for too long."

And with those words, she took off, slowly making her way towards the Forbidden Forest. She took steady and careful steps as she was looking around, taking in her surroundings. She loved to be alone, but not lonely. Loneliness would make her go insane. The sounds of cheers, music and loud talking slowly faded as she was walking through the tall and scary trees.

"I guess karma is a bitch," A voice stated behind her, causing her to sharply turn around and threw a punch at the person's nose. They groaned as they clutched their nose, blood slipping through their fingers.

The girl gasped as soon as she saw who the mysterious voice was. "Oh shit! Nott, what are you doing here?" She helped him up, fixing her hoodie.

"Why did you punch me?!" The boy groaned, holding his bleeding nose.

She folded her arms. "You startled me," She sighed, pulling out her wand and with one swift movement, creating a tissue. "Here you go." The girl pressed the tissue to his bleeding nose.

Theodore looked up at her and gulped. "Thank you..." He muttered, taking the tissue from her, wiping off his nose.

"Now what did you say about karma?" She raised an eyebrow, taking a step back.

"My pillow was warm on both sides," The boy spoke to her, playfully sighing.

Her eyes widened slightly, remembering their latest conversation, but after a few seconds she folded her arms and smirked at him. "Ha! And you also got punched today," She let out a short laugh, seeing as he rolled his eyes playfully. "Is your nose broken or what?"

Theodore shrugged, throwing out the bloodied tissue. "I think so, I can't stop the bleeding," Victoria gave him another tissue and he gladly took it, pressing it to his bloody nose. "I've got to say... you've got a good aim." He grinned at her.

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