I Would For You

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Eddie stood behind the counter at the diner and watched as Penny and Robin ate lunch together. It hadn't technically been time for Penny's break, but it wasn't super busy on this particular Sunday, with Christmas being only three days away. So, he'd let her go ahead and take her break and he'd waited on them as they ordered their food. He liked Penny. She was probably his favorite of all the waitresses that had worked for him over the years, and she was the one who had worked there the longest. She was a really sweet woman. And, like he'd told Robin, she was smoking hot. Not his type, but still. He didn't need to be sexually attracted to her to know that other people, men and women alike, found her attractive.

When they were done eating, Robin said goodbye to Eddie and left. He'd offered her his car, but she said she'd just walk. She wanted to stop in and see some friends around town and wish them a merry Christmas. When he finally got home that evening, just after seven, he turned into the driveway and parked next to Izzy's car. He made a point of not looking over in case they were kissing or something. But when he got out of his car, he waited for Charlotte to join him. They both waved to Izzy as she backed out and drove away before Eddie slung his arm over her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

"How was dinner?"

"It was like a circus," Charlotte laughed. "Izzy has two brothers, twins, that are nine years old. But she has so many aunts and uncles, and more cousins than I can count. There were at least thirty people there. Her parents and brother, both her grandmas and grandpas, and all the aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was dizzying, really."

"You really want to marry into a family that size," Eddie asked as they headed for the door.

"Whoa, daddy, slow down," Charlotte laughed. "No one said anything about getting married. It's a little soon for that, isn't it?"

"I'm only teasing, peanut." He opened the front door and a delicious aroma in the air met them, along with the Red Hot Chili Peppers' latest album playing at an ear aching volume.

"They were still going when we left so Izzy could bring me home," Charlotte said loudly to be heard over the music. "They play games and do all kinds of fun stuff together." Suddenly her eyes went dreamy, and she smiled. "It must be nice to have such a big family that's so close." She followed Eddie to the living room and over to the stereo. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I love our little family. But I had a lot of fun." Eddie switched off the music and their ears rang in the suddenly deafening silence.

"Dinner's almost ready," Robin called out from the kitchen.

"Every one of them greeted me and accepted me like they'd known me my whole life and I had always been a part of their family."

"That's great, baby girl," Eddie said. "I like our family as it is, but you're right." He nudged her towards the kitchen. "A big family like that could be a lot of fun. But can you imagine what they spend on Christmas presents?"

"That's the thing," she answered as they entered the kitchen and Robin smiled over at them before reaching into the oven to remove whatever she was cooking. "They draw names. At Thanksgiving dinner, they each draw a name and keep it a secret and nobody knows who is getting who a present until Christmas morning."

"That sounds sensible to me." Robin pulled the foil cover off the meatloaf she'd made for her and Eddie's dinner. "I dated a woman a few years back that did that with her family. I participated one year. I got her dad, and her Uncle Roger got me. It was fun."

"Hey, Robbie!" Charlotte bounced over to Robin and hugged her tightly. "I'm glad you could come."

"I'll always make time to be there for you guys." She kissed Charlotte's cheek then let go of her. "I assume you're not hungry?"

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