chapter 1:pg.10

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The students rushed and went to the lockers. The doors were quite flimsy and the locks were surprisingly very weak, so we just broke the doors of the lockers and took all of our stuff.
Czyrhenelle Vicxer's POV.

"what's happening? Is this it? Are we going to escape? But where?"

Czyrhenelle thought to herself. They are running from the white room, they're actually going to leave the Datto guild they thought. But! She was doubting. Are they going to actually escape? But where to? This is making her more curious and curious. All of the possible thoughts run in her mind as she runs.

"I'll ask later."

She just ran with the others in the hallway, just hoping that all of them can get away from this place and find safety. All are glad yet, adrenaline flies within them. The guards, nowhere to be seen unfortunately.
But Czyrhenelle had doubts once again. It had been a few minutes now, aren't the gayrds going to show up or chase us?

As they were running, Angela asked,

Angela: hey! What do we do next? Should we check the rooms? The other students?!

Denver was about to answer but his words were stopped. Bect, suddenly the lights go out. And some even flicker a bit.

"Wha-... Oh my god... I hear something..."

Czyrhenelle thought to herself, there were noises in the hallway that sounded so... Irregular.

Czy: d-do you guys hear It...?
Czyrhenelle said, while everyone went quiet.
All of they joy was gone, and what replaced it was fear and wariness.

Multiple and an irregular number of stomps come at our direction...

Johnberth: what... What the fuck is that...?

In the dark, they all are stunned. A creature?
What... What is that?

The monster growls and smiles creepily at the children

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The monster growls and smiles creepily at the children.

Then a pop up window appears in front of them on their watches.


-𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲: --.--

• 20 EXP
• 90 HP

-𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗿𝗲: DEATH

Denver: run...

Then the monster growls loudly and rushes to the children, the lights flicker rapidly and building shakes a bit everytime the monster takes a strong and gets closer.

Denver: run, run, run! Run!

All the children run, and run... And run...

Czyrhenelle thought, "wait, isn't the hallway getting longer now?"

Czyrhenelle was not wrong about that. The hallway was... Getting longer than it should have been.

Czyrhenelle just focused on running and making sure she doesn't trip. She thought to herself once again

"Holy Mother of Jesus. Am I going to die? Is this it? We're done for... Mom, dad... Save me!"


Angela's POV

"This has got to be the most sweat-shitting BS I have ever experienced..."

Angela said. Panting so much, they managed to escape from the monster, it took them three hours of running to go into a room. Because, previously, when they were running in the long hallway, the doors started to decrease in number until there weren't any. They ran and ran till there was one door open and they all got in... Except it was just only some of them... Only 24 of gumol elem, G6 got in...

All of the remaining students pant and one of them was sobbing, Grace Denlur is.

Grace: oh my god hic what the hell... There's only 24 of us, I can't handle this... This too much! THIS IS HELL!

Grace said. Curled up into a ball of sadness and terror in a corner of the room. Her outbreak and words were reasonable since, no child should experience this. This is technically hell.

Czyrhenelle: yeah... Relatable, suuuuper relatable Grace, I've also never ran so fast and long before, guess this is what adrenaline does to you. Let's just plan for now.

Johnberth: give me a break. Plan? Now? How resilient can you be, Vixcer? We have lost most of our classmates and this is what your thinking?

Johnberth stood up, glaring at Czyrhenelle with disbelief, then he raised his voice.

Johnberth: is that really what your going to say first!? What about Grace huh!?

Czyrhenelle: What do you want me to think?wasting more time on, mourning or fighting or crying, we'll die. Do you understand?

All went quiet, though Czyrhenelle didn't raise her voice, it echoed in the room.

Czyrhenelle: I understand your point and your reaction, but we don't have time left. Please bare with us. Grace and Johnberth.
Please understand.

Jude: I agree. Let's stop and think for a moment. Do you agree aswell Denver?

Denver: Mhm. Officers. Let's brainstorm.

Angela thought to herself,

"Shane isn't here too, this is worse than I expected, but, we have no choice but to be resilient and strike."

Officers: yes!


and I'll change my pen name to L3S0R!3 or Lesorie.

The picture above is also my doing😂
I'm so bad at drawing ngl but atleast you guys have an idea how the monster looks like.
Bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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