The Pummelo Island Champion Challenge

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Today was the day that Ash has been looking forward to for a while, the one where the young trainer gets to challenge Drake, the current champion of the Orange islands. Ash: "This is it, Pikachu, we're finally get to face the Orange League champion himself, and once we beat him, I'll be one step closer to becoming a Pokémon master!" Pikachu: "Pika!" Luffy: "We would've got to this champion guy sooner if Zoro and Sanji didn't get sick." Zoro/Sanji: "You were sick too!" yelled both Zoro and Sanji at the same time. Nami: "And it was your own fault that the three of you got sick in the first place." said Nami, while having a flashback on while on the way to their destination, the crew were resting on an island where Luffy, Zoro and Sanji got their heads stuck in the head of a grass/poison type Pokémon called Vileplume, which used Stun Spore as payback, which got them completely paralyzed and sick. Luffy: "It wasn't my fault, I tripped on a rock, and besides, everything turned out alright in the end, thanks to Pikachu and Chopper here." said Luffy, which made both Chopper and Pikachu blush and rubbing the back of their heads as response of being praised. Chopper: "Well I couldn't have done it without the knowledge of the Pokédex, which said about Salveyo Weed can cure paralysis." said Chopper, remembering what Ash's Pokédex said about the weed. Suddenly, Carrot and the others noticed a mysterious Pokémon flying around in the sky, and looked like a dragon. Luffy: "Whoa... it looks like a dragon!" Zoro: "It does kind of... but what's it doing up there?" Ash: "It looks like a Dragonite." Robin: "Dragonite?" Ash: "Yeah, see for yourselves." said Ash, before taking out his Pokédex to show the crew what he was talking about. Pokédex: [Dragonite: The Dragon Pokémon, the final evolved form of Dratini, despite it's small wings on it's large body, this extremely rare and highly intelligent dragon type is able to fly faster than any known Pokémon.] Franky: "Wow!, sounds like a real super Pokémon!" Ash: "Yeah I guess... maybe some day, I could catch one of my own..." Nami: "That does sound cool, but how you focus on your challenge with the Orange League champion right now?" Ash: "Sure thing." Carrot: "Speaking of which, there it is!, Pummelo island!" called out Carrot, as she spots the island she and the others were searching for, which was the location where the Orange League champion lives. Ash: "So there it is... Pummelo island..." Pikachu: "Pika..." Luffy: "Alright!, let's go!" shouted Luffy, as the Thousand Sunny heads off to the island. Upon reaching the island, Ash registers himself for a battle against Drake, the Orange League champion. After having his badges verified, he is informed by Nurse Joy that his battle will be held the following morning and that it will be a full six on six battle. Ash gets ready to start training, but Nami tells him that he needs to know where the stadium is first. The assistant escorts Ash and his friends to Pummelo stadium and the nearby Palace of Victory, where all victorious trainers are immortalized. The attendant explains that no one has beaten Drake in a long time, and the reason why no one has been able to beat him is because his Dragonite was too strong. Meanwhile, on the Pummelo Stadium battlefield, Drake (voiced by Scottie Ray), was looking up into the sky, seeing his Dragonite coming down in front of him. Drake: "Hey buddy... you really think we'll ever have a real challenge again?" he asked to his dragon type, before the Team Rocket trio appears, saying they came to steal Dragonite. However, Drake called Dragonite to use a single Hyper Beam on them, which sends the trio blasting off into the sky. When the next morning came at last, Ash arrives at Pummelo Stadium, ready to battle. After the customary handshake between Ash and Drake, the referee explains that the state of the field will change after one of them has three unconscious Pokémon. At that moment, the flat field disappears and is replaced by a rocky field with a pool in the middle. Outside, Team Rocket watches from one of the television screens, and they are amazed to learn that Ash is the challenger. Jessie: "Look at that... it's the twerp." James: "So he's the one facing the champion..." Meowth: "I got an idea... how about once the battle ends and both Pokémon teams get too tired, we snatch them while they're done." Jessie: "Good idea." James: "In the meantime, let's see how far they'll go." said James, before he and the other members of the Team Rocket trio watch the upcoming battle. As for the Straw Hats, they were watching the battle with the rest of the huge audience, with Robin holding Ash's Pokédex in case Drake sends out any Pokémon they have not encountered yet. Drake: "I hope you'll give me a real challenge, Ash, for I have not met any challengers who have given me a real one for a long time now." Ash: "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing." Drake: "Alright then... Ditto!, let's go!" called out Drake, before he lets out what looked like a small pile of pink goo with a face, and Robin takes a look into Ash's Pokédex to see what it was. Pokédex: [Ditto: The Transform Pokémon, it's able to rearrange the cells of it's body to change into anything, even other Pokémon, and perhaps humans as well, it's only attack is Transform, but will use the attacks of whatever opponent it's transformed into.] Usopp: "So that's Ditto, huh?" Chopper: "So it can change into anything like Mew?" Zoro: "Seems to be, so whatever Ash is gonna send out, it'll transform into that, which might make it tough for him." said Zoro, looking at the Ditto that Ash was facing. Ash: "Alright then... I choose you, Ditto!" called out Ash, letting out his own Ditto, who was really Mew in disguise so people won't figure out he has a mythical Pokémon, for Mew's sake more than his own. Luffy: "Hey wait, when did Ash get a Ditto too?" Robin: "It must be Mew in that form, so that people won't realized that he has a mythical Pokémon in his team." Sanji: "That might have been the right move, as the last thing Ash needs is people coming after him or Mew." said Sanji, looking at Mew in her Ditto form. Drake: "Well this is a surprise, a Ditto vs Ditto battle, this should be interesting." Ash: "It should... alright Ditto, transform into Pikachu!" called out Ash, before Mew in Ditto form takes a look at Pikachu, who was standing next to Ash, and then transformed into a female Pikachu. Drake: "Well in that case, transform into Pikachu too!" called out Drake, before looking at Ash's Pikachu and transformed into a Pikachu too, but since it had no gender, it didn't show that it was female like Mew's Pikachu form. Drake: "Hmm... that's odd, why is your Ditto in the form of a female Pikachu?" Ash: "Oh uh... cause my Ditto likes being a girl." Drake: "Hmm... alright then, I guess a Ditto can decide what gender it likes to be as they're genderless, but let's back to the battle." Ash: "Sure thing." Pikachu Mew begins with a powerful Thunderbolt, and Ditto uses its own Thunderbolt. Next, they both exchange a Thunder Shock at the same time. The rocks begin to crumble underfoot, hurting Pikachu Mew but not Ditto, who calmly hops from one to the other. Ditto starts using Agility, while Pikachu Mew tries to shock it with Thunderbolt, but it proves to be too quick and evades the attack. Ditto then hits Pikachu Mew with Thunder, but it has no effect as Pikachu Mew channels it to the ground with her tail. Pikachu Mew then uses Quick Attack and Ditto copies the move. The two opponents confront each other midair with an Electric attack before falling to the ground. However, Pikachu Mew manages to get up and knocks Ditto out with her tail to win the round. Robin realizes that Pikachu managed to win because she was in better physical shape. Drake: "Well done Ash, your Ditto is truly something, but you still have to deal with my other Pokémon before you can win this." Ash: "I'm ready whenever you are!" Drake: "Alright then... go Onix!" called out Drake, before sending out what looked like a giant snake that was made of rocks, and Robin uses Ash's Pokédex again to see what Ash was facing this time. Pokédex: [Onix: The Rock Snake Pokémon, by twisting it's large and powerful body, Onix can quickly bore through the ground at 50 miles per hour.] Franky: "Whoa!, that snake is super big!" Carrot: "Not to mention it's made of rock, so cool!" Jimbei: "Yes... but it can also be a real challenge for Ash as I doubt Drake would send out a Pokémon like that just for showing off." said Jimbei, while looking at the Onix as Ash returns Mew into her Pokéball. Ash: "Alright... Lapras, I choose you!" called out Ash, before sending out Lapras into battle. As Ash tells Lapras to use Water Gun, Drake has Onix to burrow underground and avoid the attack. Initially unsure on what to do, Ash eventually tells Lapras to get into the water. However, Onix gets to Lapras first, knocking her into the air before holding her in a Bind attack. Lapras manages to counter this by using Sing, which made Onix very sleepy, followed up by Water Gun to do a lot of damage on the rock type. Onix is unable to escape the torrent, and Lapras finishes off her opponent with Ice Beam, allowing Ash to win a second time, meaning only four more of Drake's Pokémon to go before winning the Orange league. Drake: "Well done kid, but you don't stand a 'ghost' of a chance against my third Pokémon... go Gengar!" called out Drake, sending out his Gengar, which is a ghost type, and Robin uses Ash's Pokédex again to see what this ghost type was. Pokédex: [Gengar: The Shadow Pokémon, the final evolved form of Gastly, it can absorb any surrounding heat, which leaves a sudden chill, and it loves to scare people while smiling wickedly in the dark.] Brook: "So it's a ghost type like those Gastly and Haunter we met back at that old ship..." Robin: "This could mean trouble for Ash as ghost types are pretty hard to beat, at least that's what we know so far." said Robin, before Ash recalls Lapras and sends out Snorlax. The Sleeping Pokémon uses Hyper Beam, but Gengar jumps into the air, making the attack useless. Gengar then uses Confuse Ray on Snorlax, who starts running into the rocks, leaving Ash with no choice but to recall Snorlax. He then sends out Lapras and decides to counter Confuse Ray with Ice Beam. Lapras avoids the ghost type's initial attacks by diving underwater, emerging to hit Gengar with a Water Gun. Gengar then tries Night Shade, so Lapras uses Ice Beam. The two attacks collide in an explosion that engulfs the entire arena, leaving Ash and Drake in shock. It is revealed that, after the explosion from their Ice Beam and Night Shade attacks, both Lapras and Gengar faint. Ash and Drake recall their Pokémon, and with three of Drake's defeated, the field changes. The announcer remarks how Ash is the first trainer to knock out three of Drake's Pokémon in a row. After the field changes into a desert field, Drake calls out his Venusaur, which is a fully evolved version of Ash's Bulbasaur, while Ash sends out Snorlax again. Usopp: "So that's the Pokémon that Ash's Bulbasaur would fully evolved into..." Chopper: "It sure looks tough." Carrot: "You can do it Ash!, and you too Snorlax!" called out Carrot, cheering for both Ash and his Snorlax. Drake tells Venusaur to use Solar Beam at Snorlax to start things off. Hoping to cause damage before the Solar Beam is charged, Ash tells Snorlax to use Mega Kick, but the sandy field got him stuck. In a last-ditch effort, Ash has Snorlax use his strength to send Venusaur flying. Venusaur is sent soaring into the air, but it manages to turn itself in midair and releases its Solar Beam directly on Snorlax. Unexpectedly, Snorlax isn't defeated and the Solar Beam actually freed him from the sand. Venusaur then launches a barrage of Vine Whips, a few of which hit Snorlax. Then, Snorlax dodges the rest and hits Venusaur with a powerful Hyper Beam, defeating it at last, forcing Drake to recall the fully evolved grass type. Drake: "I'm impressed Ash, but now it's time to give ya the shock of your life... go Electabuzz!" called out Drake, before sending out his Electabuzz, while Ash recalls Snorlax and sends out Bulbasaur. Ash: "Alright Bulbasaur, your turn to shine!" Bulbasaur: "Bulba!" said Bulbasaur, who was more than ready to battle the electric type. Drake has Electabuzz to use Thunder Shock, but Bulbasaur having a grass type advantage leaves him unfazed and he counters with a Razor Leaf. Electabuzz is hit by a few of the leaves, but then deflects with Thunderbolt. Drake has Electabuzz use Thunder Punch, while Ash has Bulbasaur use Tackle. Bulbasaur lands his attack, but is soon defeated by the electric type's Thunder Punch. Ash recalls Bulbasaur, before promptly sends out Charizard to battle. Electabuzz uses a combination of Thunder Punch and Thunder, but Charizard stops it with Fire Spin. Electabuzz then attempts to use Thunderbolt, but Charizard grabs it and uses Seismic Toss, defeating it at last. With only one Pokémon left, Drake removes the Pokéball from his necklace and sends out Dragonite. Drake: "Well Ash, you certainly have given me a real challenge that's been the most fun I've had for a long time, but now it's time to end it." Ash: "Well I'm not going down without a fight either, so let's do this!" shouted Ash, before the battle against the dragon type begins. Charizard uses Flamethrower, but Dragonite counters with Water Gun, which negates the attack and strikes Charizard with the super effective move. Charizard then attempts to fly upward, and Dragonite quickly follows. Dragonite uses Ice Beam, hitting Charizard's wing and sending into a free-fall. Charizard quickly recovers and goes in for a Seismic Toss, but Dragonite maneuvers away and turns the move around by grabbing Charizard by the neck. Dragonite then uses Slam and Charizard is sent crashing into the ground. Though weakened considerably, Charizard gets back on its feet. Ash orders Charizard to use Dragon Rage, and Drake commands Dragonite to do the same. Both attacks collide, and the two Pokémon are sent flying back. While Dragonite is left fazed, the attack causes Charizard to faint. Ash recalls Charizard, thanking it for still wearing Dragonite down. Brook: "Oh my... what a battle between dragons!" Robin: "Actually, Charizard is a fire/flying type, not a dragon type, despite looking like one." Luffy: "Who cares, this battle is getting really awesome!" Chopper: "Yeah but is Ash gonna win?, I mean Charizard was one of Ash's strongest Pokémon and even he couldn't beat that Dragonite." Franky: "Don't worry, little bro, this battle is not over yet, as he still has 3 Pokémon left to wear it down." Jimbei: "Let's hope they'll be enough to defeat it, that Dragonite is obviously Drake's most powerful Pokémon." Carrot: "Go Ash!, you can do it!" Nami: "Come on Ash!, win this!" called out Carrot and Nami, cheering for Ash in hopes to help him have the confidence to fight back. Knowing none of his Pokémon are on the same level as Dragonite, Ash decides they will have to work together to it take out. He sends out Mew in Ditto form, who is still tired from her earlier battle with Drake's Ditto. Mew starts off with turning herself into Dragonite and use Water Gun, but it is knocked to the ground by Dragonite's own Water Gun. It then uses Thunderbolt, but Mew was able to dodge in time to escape the majority of the damage. Drake commands a Body Slam, and Dragonite flies into the air and starts to descend, and the dragon type slams its tail into Mew hard, knocking her out. Despite the victory, Dragonite continues to lose energy. Seizing this chance, the Team Rocket trio appears in their hot-air balloon and tosses a net onto Dragonite. Jessie: "Well twerp, we should thank you for doing the hard work for us." Ash: "What are you talking about?!" James: "For weakening Dragonite enough for us to steal it of course." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Let Dragonite go!" Meowth: "Or what?, make us?" said Meowth with an evil chuckle, as Drake grows furious with Team Rocket, then Dragonite breaks the net with its large wings and pops Team Rocket's balloon with Skull Bash, sending them flying into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the trio, as they were blasting off again without a trace. Zoro: "Those guys just never learn..." Sanji: "That's for sure... though I wished that I went with them." Zoro: "Why?" Sanji: "So I can blast off with the beautiful Jessie~!" said Sanji with hearts for eyes while blushing, much to Zoro's annoyance. Zoro: "Maybe you should blast off with them, that way you can get your face out of my sight." Sanji: "You wanna fight me, Moss head?!" said Sanji in anger, before he and Zoro get bopped on the head the annoyed Nami. With Team Rocket out of the way, the battle continues. Ash sends out the worn-out Snorlax against Dragonite. Drake commands a Fly attack, followed by a Body Slam. Ash suddenly gets an idea and tells Snorlax to take the hit, surprising Drake. The Body Slam hits, but doesn't have the intended effect. Using the sand on the battlefield to absorb the impact, Snorlax has caught Dragonite in his paws. Snorlax then throws Dragonite into the air and it lands hard on the ground. Dragonite gets up and hits Snorlax with Thunder, knocking the exhausted Pokémon out. Chopper: "Oh man... even Snorlax got beaten..." Usopp: "Which means... Pikachu is the only one left..." Nami: "You can do it, Pikachu, take down that dragon!" Carrot: "Don't give up, Ash!" called out Nami and Carrot again, doing their best to cheer for Ash, as he sends out Pikachu for the final battle. Ash: "Alright Pikachu, let's do this!" Pikachu: "Pika!" called out Pikachu, as he goes into the battlefield, ready to face the dragon type. Pikachu starts off with Agility, but is knocked into the air by Dragonite's tail. Dragonite gets ready to use Hyper Beam, but Pikachu uses his tail as a springboard to dodge the attack. Dragonite is unable to move due to the aftereffects of Hyper Beam, allowing Pikachu to land on Dragonite's head. Dragonite tries to shake him off, but Pikachu holds on to its antennae, and the battles with Ash's other Pokémon have left it quite exhausted. At Ash's command, Pikachu lands a direct hit with Thunder. Dragonite and Pikachu are left exhausted and, after a staring contest, Dragonite falls to the ground, defeated, meaning Ash has defeated Drake and won the battle. Ash: "Alright!, we did it Pikachu!, we really won!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu!" Luffy: "Alright!, Ash and Pikachu won!" Chopper/ Carrot: "Alright!" Usopp: "He really did it!" Brook: "My, that battle really gave me goosebumps on my skin... well it would've if I had any skin to begin with, Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho!" while the Straw Hats were cheering for his victory, Ash makes his way over to the podium with his Pokémon behind him. Drake gives Ash the coveted Orange League Winner's Trophy and congratulates him on the win. Drake: "Well done Ash, and thank you for a battle I'll never forget, you truly were a worthy opponent." Ash: "Thanks Drake." Along with Ash receiving the trophy, Ash, Pikachu, Mew, Snorlax, Lapras, Bulbasaur, and Charizard are given the honor of being inducted into the Orange League Hall of Fame, with their footprints and Ash's hand-print immortalized in concrete, and a group photo taken to commemorate the victory. Of course the photo had Mew in her normal form, but Robin managed to convince the public and Drake that Mew was a Ditto pretending to be Mew as it likes being a cat based Pokémon as a cover up, much to Ash's relief. Ash: "Thanks for the cover story, Robin, no way I could have thought of it myself." Robin: "No problem, I couldn't let anything happen to such a cute kitten like Mew." said Robin, before Mew went over to Ash and started to rub her head against her trainer's own head, which made him laugh by how much it tickled. Ash: "Man, I can't wait to show this trophy to my mom." said Ash with excitement, completely unaware that his adventures in the Orange islands are not over yet, as a world scale threat was about to occur, and he'll need all the help he can get to save not only his own world, but the world of One Piece as well.

ONE PIECE Orange ArchipelagoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora