A Ship Full Of Shivers

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It was a really foggy night when the Thousand Sunny was sailing through the seas of the Orange Archipelago, and now Carrot, as the ship's lookout, was doing her best to see what was ahead. The rabbit mink then noticed something up ahead, which was a shadow in the shape of a ship. Carrot: "Hey guys!, there's a ship ahead!" called out Carrot, alerting the rest of the crew, along with Ash and his Pokémon as well. It didn't take long for them to get a better view on what was ahead, and soon see that it was indeed a ship, but it was old and abandoned, and yet it was still sailing while their was no one onboard, which was a sight that seemed to have scared the living skeleton member a lot. Brook: "Ah!, it's a ghost ship!" Usopp: "You're the last person who should be scared of that!" said Usopp, slapping the skeleton on the back of the head. Brook: "Huh?... well my old ship wasn't really haunted, I mean I'm only alive due to my devil fruit, so it doesn't really count." Sanji: "On the deck... look." said Sanji, as he noticed what looked like a black ball of gas with a face was looking at the pirates, who were a bit nervous by the sight of it, except for Ash of course as he knew what it was. Ash: "It's a Gastly!" Luffy: "You mean that's a Pokémon?" Ash: "Yeah, a ghost type." said Ash, before taking out his Pokédex to let the crew know what they were dealing with. Pokédex: [Gastly: The Gas Pokémon, although it can sneak in anywhere with it's gaseous body, it can also be blown away by wind.] Usopp: "Ghost type?!, you mean Pokémon can come as ghosts as well?!" Ash: "Well they're not really dead like real ghosts... at least I don't think so, and ghost types are known to be pranksters, but they wouldn't mean actual harm... at least not those I've met in Lavender town." suddenly, they heard the sound of someone screaming, which really scared Usopp, Nami, Chopper, and Carrot very much. Usopp: "Then how do you explain that screaming?!" suddenly, Luffy felt someone was tapping their finger on his shoulder, and turned his head to see no one was there. Luffy: "Hmm... hey Zoro, did you tap my shoulder?" Zoro: "Nope, wasn't me." Luffy was puzzled, when Chopper let out a scream. Chopper: "Ah!, Luffy!, there's a ghost behind you!" yelped Chopper, before Luffy turned around to see what looked like a purple ghost with hands without arms and yet were floating. Ash: "It's Haunter!" Robin: "Another ghost type Pokémon?" Ash: "Yeah, the evolved form of Gastly." said Ash, before pointing his Pokédex at the other ghost type. Pokédex: [Haunter, the evolved form of Gastly, it can watch opponents by hiding in walls and slips through anything in it's way.] just then, Haunter got a hold on Luffy's hat, much to the pirate captain's anger. Luffy: "Hey!, give me back my hat!" shouted Luffy at Haunter, who only responded by sticking his tongue out, before saying something that only Chopper was able to translate. Chopper: "The ghost Pokémon said that he'll only give the hat back if we help it along with Gastly get the gold trophy back." Nami: "Did it just say... gold?" said Nami with a greedy smile and dollar signs for eyes. Ash: "Trophy?, what do you mean?" asked Ash, before Haunter continued speaking and Chopper went to translate again. Chopper: "Apparently, the trophy once belonged to it's trainer hundreds of years ago, one who won the Orange league at that time." Robin: "Interesting... so these ghost types once had a trainer but he passed away while they are still around... perhaps they are the ghosts of themselves that have been awakened when this trophy was stolen." Usopp: "Don't say such spooky stuff like that!" Luffy: "I don't really care about all that, but if getting this trophy back to them means getting my hat back, then let's go get it." so with that, the Straw Hats, along with Ash and Pikachu, went into the ghost types' ship, and began their search for the missing trophy. Mew came out of her Pokéball to help Ash out, though she was a bit nervous due to being near some ghost types. Robin: "Mew seems to be a bit nervous around Gastly and Haunter." Ash: "Well Mew is a psychic type, and from what I remembered, psychic types are weak against ghost and bug types." Chopper: "Really?" Usopp: "I can understand the ghost types, but bug types?" Ash: "Yeah, and that made my battle against the gym leader, Sabrina a little more harder to win." Carrot: "Really, so how did you win?" Ash: "That's kind of another story for another day, right now let's focus on finding that trophy so Luffy can get his hat back." Brook: "Hey guys... there's something coming right towards us." said Brook, as he and the others noticed that a trio of unknown figures were running right towards them, only for it to be really the Team Rocket trio, running for their lives and Meowth was carrying the trophy the pirates and trainer were looking for. Ash: "It's Team Rocket!" Zoro: "And it looks like they got the trophy those ghost types wanted." Brook: "Let me handle this... lullaby..." said Brook, before he begins playing music on his violin, and some musical note came out and went towards the trio. Once the notes got to them, they started to feel sleepy and fell to the ground. Ash: "Whoa... what did you do?" Brook: "I simply used my lullaby music to put them asleep, that way we can get the trophy without trouble, like breaking bones for example, and that's something for me as I'm nothing but bones, Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!" that was when Haunter came to the scene and picked up the trophy, then throws the straw hat back to Luffy, who was more than happy to get it back. Luffy: "Alright, I feel more complete now!" that was when Haunter and Gastly said something in their own Pokémon speech, and only Chopper was able to translate. Chopper: "They said that now that they got the trophy, it's time for them to go somewhere where no one would take their trainer's trophy again, as it means a lot to them due to it being their only connection to him." Brook: "I see... kind of like how much the Afro means to me as it's the one thing I have that might help Laboon to recognize when we see each other again..." Ash: "Well then we wish you good luck." said Ash, before he and the Straw Hats left the ship and went back onto their own. It was then at that moment, the ghost types used their ghostly powers to make their late trainer's ship to float up into the sky and sail away to who knows where into the clouds. Robin: "Amazing... those ghosts types are full of surprises." Ash: "Well ghost types are one of the most mysterious types out there..." said Ash, before he felt someone tapping his shoulder, and turned around to see what looked like a ghost with red eyes. The sight of the ghost made Ash and the others to scream in terror, at least until the ghost suddenly changed into a certain psychic type cat, who giggled by the reaction they made. Ash: "Oh... it's only Mew..." Robin: "Guess it seems that ghost types are not the only Pokémon that likes to plays pranks on people." said Ash, before Mew let out a giggle, and it wasn't long before the others started to laugh as well.

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