Double Team Trouble

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It's been a day or day that has passed since the Thousand Sunny left Trovita island, and now Ash was training his Pokémon with the help of Franky and his big robot, the Iron Pirate General Franky. Since Ash has not encountered any trainers to battle with and needed the experience for his team, the Straw Hats were the closest thing for opponents at the moment. Chopper: "How come Lapras and Snorlax are not training on the Sunny?" Robin: "Well for Lapras, she can't do much on land due to her flippers, as for Snorlax, he's a bit heavy for the ship to sail without sinking." Nami: "Not only that, Snorlax might do some serious damage here, I mean you saw how powerful he was when he defeated Team Rocket yesterday, right?" Chopper: "Oh yeah..." said Chopper, before having a flashback on what happened yesterday when they arrived to an island between Trovita island and their next destination. Turns out that while Snorlax might be lazy and eats a lot, he proved to be a real powerhouse when he saved Ash and Pikachu from the Team Rocket trio, who used some kind of battle armor for Meowth to use against them. Carrot: "Snorlax was really mad when they tried to hurt Ash in order to get Pikachu... those jerks..." Brook: "Can't blame him, after Ash had taken such good care of him since he caught him back at the Grapefruit islands." said Brook, having a few flashbacks of Ash resting on the Sleeping Pokémon's belly, or when the boy dress up as an apple to give Snorlax the motivation to run up a big hill, much the crew's amusement. Sanji: "Though I think he was also mad that Team Rocket also used the food of the Pokémon center there as a ransom to get the little electric mouse." Brook: "Yeah, that too probably, but it doesn't change the fact that Snorlax cares about his trainer." Just then, Carrot saw an island nearby. Carrot: "Everyone!, there it is!, Kumquat island, just like Nami said!" Nami: "Well of course, while I might be used to the crazy weather and stuff of the New World, I still know how to read a map and stuff." said Nami, as the Thousand Sunny has arrived to Kumquat island, the location of the forth and final Orange League gym. Ash and Pikachu were walking on the beach with the Straw Hats, as they began their search for the gym leader of the island. Luffy: "I wonder what this last gym leader is like... I hope it's a big manly man with big muscles." Sanji: "I hope it's a lovely woman." Nami: "You and your dumb fantasies..." Zoro: "I just hope that this gym leader will give Ash a good challenge." Ash: "I'm sure that the gym leader will be tough, as it's the last one of the Orange League before I get to challenge Drake." just then, a woman named Luana (voiced by Kayzie Rogers), rushes into the scene and abruptly hugs Ash for some reason. Luana: "Oh Travis!, I'm so happy you're home!" Luffy: "Hey Ash, why is your mom calling you Travis?" asked Luffy, before Ash finally got Luana off of him and trying to catch his breath. Ash: "I don't know who you are lady, but my name's Ash!, and I already have a mom named Delia Ketchum." said Ash, before Luana takes a better look at him and gasped. Luana: "Oh my goodness!, I'm so sorry about that, I could have sworn you were my son, Travis." Usopp: "I guess your son looks just like Ash." Luana: "Yes, and he even has his own Pikachu too." Zoro: "First Nurse Joy, then Officer Jenny, and now there are a bunch of Ash's?, what's next?, a bunch of Luffy's?" Usopp; "I sure hope not, one Luffy is bad enough." said Usopp, before he and the others introduced themselves to Luana, who introduced herself to them too. Nami: "So you run a hotel?" Luana: "That's right and..." before she could finish her sentence however, a giant Rhydon robot burst out of the sea and arrived on the beach, much to everyone's surprise. Franky: "Whoa!, where did that super big robot come from?!" Sanji: "I'm more worried about where it's going." that was when the chest of the robot opened up, revealing the Team Rocket trio inside. Jessie: "We got you and Pikachu this time, twerp!, thanks to our giant Rhydon robot here." James: "So you might as well give up if you want to see another day." Meowth: "That's right!" Usopp: "Those guys again?" Zoro: "Looks like it." Robin: "They sure are a stubborn bunch, that's for sure." Brook: "Kind of sad really, never learning from their mistakes." Jessie: "Oh yeah?!, Arbok, Poison Sting!" called out Jessie, before Arbok appeared next to her, and fires it's Poison Sting attack at Ash and Pikachu. But before the attack could hit them however, Luana sends out her own Pokémon, in this case, an Alakazam, to use it's Reflect attack to block the Poison Sting. Luana: "You got some nerve!, trying to harm a child in front of me!" shouted Luana, clearly angry at the Team Rocket trio Nami: "Funny... I was gonna say the same thing." said Nami, who was equally mad at the trio for trying to harm her young friend. Jessie: "Listen here red, you and the old lady better get out of our way or else!" Nami: "Luana is no old lady like you!, ya old witch!" this really made Jessie ticked off, as Nami had the nerve to call her an old witch. Jessie: "Did she... call me... an old witch...?!" said Jessie in a soft yet very angry tone in her voice. James: "Now Jessie, calm down... I'm sure she didn't mean it..." Jessie: "That twerp is so asking for it!" shouted Jessie, before pressing a button that fires a big cannonball from the robot's mouth, only for Zoro to use his swords to cut it in half, much to the trainers' and Team Rocket's surprise. Ash: "Whoa!, that's cool!" Pikachu: "Pika!" Meowth: "That's impossible!" Luana: "My turn, Alakazam, use psychic on that thing and send it away!" called out Luana, before Alakazam uses psychic on the robot, and sends it flying out into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the Team Rocket trio, before they went flying out of the scene. Ash: "Wow, you're a pretty good battler for someone who runs a hotel." Luana: "Well I also happen to work as the Kumquat island gym leader." Ash: "What?!" Luffy: "Seriously?!, you're the gym leader?!, no wonder you were so awesome with that Pokémon of yours!" Usopp: "Speaking of which... who is that Pokémon?" asked Usopp, before Ash takes out his Pokédex to let the sniper know what Alakazam was. Pokédex: [Alakazam: The Psi Pokémon, with a brain like a super computer, it possesses many different psychic powers.] Robin: "Sounds like a very smart Pokémon to me." Franky: "Wow!, yeah like super smart!" Luana: "Thanks, and I must say you folks seem pretty impressive yourselves." this of course made the whole crew to blush and rubbing the back of their heads, feeling flattered by what Luana said. Sometime later, the Straw Hats and Ash went into Luana's hotel, which includes a workout gym and an indoor Pokémon stadium. Ash and his friends are invited to stay in her hotel's most exquisite suite free of charge, which made Nami very happy. Luana also told Ash that the battle for the last badge be a double battle, which is where both trainers use two Pokémon at the same time. It took some time, but Ash finally decided what his two Pokémon be, which are Pikachu and Charizard. Soon, the battle between Luana and Ash began, while the Straw Hats were on the side lines, watching the battle. Luana sends out her Alakazam and some kind of Pokémon with a skull head and holding a bone in it's hand, called Marowak, and Robin went to use Ash's Pokédex, which she borrowed from Ash earlier, to see what it was. Pokédex: [Marowak: The Bone Keeper Pokémon, despite it's small size, this Pokémon's offensives and defensive strength is very impressive.] Brook: "Look at that, Pokémon that's has bones... me and it have that in common!, my brother~!" Nami: "You're such a bonehead..." said Nami, as the battle for the final Orange league badge begins. At first the battle was tough for Ash, as Charizard and Pikachu had a hard time working together, but the pair managed to put aside their differences when Ash told them that they need to work together to win this battle. With the two now willing to cooperate, Charizard flies with Pikachu on his back, allowing Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on Marowak, disrupting its concentration. Meanwhile, Charizard continues to fly towards Alakazam, who prepares to land a Hyper Beam at point-blank range. When Charizard pulls up at the last minute, Alakazam is hit with Marowak's wayward Bonemerang (a bone version of a boomerang) attack, sending it and the charged Hyper Beam backward. Much to Luana's shock, the Hyper Beam hits Marowak. Once the dust has been settled, it revealed that both Alakazam and Marowak were unable to battle, meaning that Ash and his team have won. Carrot: "Yay!, Ash won!" Chopper: "Alright!" Luffy: "Hooray!" cheered Carrot, Chopper and Luffy for Ash's victory, while Luana went up to the trainer. Luana: "Well done Ash, you and your Pokémon showed real teamwork, you certainly have earned this Jade Star badge." said Luana, before handing Ash the Jade Star badge, the last badge he needs to compete in the Orange league. Ash: "Thanks Luana... alright!, I've got the Jade Star badge!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu!" Usopp: "Hey wait... that was the last badge Ash needs... which means..." Chopper: "He can compete with the Orange league champion now!" Luffy: "Finally!, a battle between the strongest trainers!" said Luffy with excitement, looking forward to see the battle between Ash and the Orange League champion. Luana: "Your friends are right, now that you got all four badges, you can now compete with Drake, the champion of the Orange islands." Ash: "Good to know, well, I better be off now." Luana: "Oh one more thing, if you ever meet Travis, tell him I said hi for me." Ash: "Sure thing." and so, Ash has won his forth and final Orange island gym badge, now he can finally compete with the champion of the Orange islands himself.

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