Chapter 21: You & Me Against the World

Start from the beginning

Aye and I were both startled awake by the shrill sounds of our phones ringing. Thua and Beth immediately tell us the situation. Explaining how the PR team is scrambling to fend off the media and the people's comments and reactions. Already working this early to gather data so a feasible plan could be presented when the CEO, who to the surprise of everyone is actually the one involved in the scandal, arrives at the company.

The reactions of the employees were mixed, Beth said. Some already sensed the chemistry and others are actually making unreasonable claims like I had incurred a lot of endorsements and promotions because of this relationship. Now my hardwork and talent is being questioned and Ayan's integrity as the CEO is being impugned. I had expected this but it still hurt and I am so mad on Ayan's behalf because with the growth of the company that Ayan managed in such a short time, people should not be making this unfounded accusations at all.

I watched as a still half naked Ayan read the article online in horror and looked at the now undeniable damning photos of us, slightly shaking with the shock and fear of the consequences. His mind is already scrambling to find a resolution. Jumping off the bed immediately, he half ran to the shower as I watched him confused. He had not said a word to me at all. Listening to the shower running, I called back Beth and asked her just how bad it is. She said two options are available now, lie through our teeth and say the photos are fake and let the PR team do everything they can to make the public forget about it soon or own up and make the relationship public, therefore subjecting Ayan to the very thing he hated - public scrutiny.

"How likely are we to get public support if we disclose this?" I asked Beth, weighing our options properly, not wanting Aye to be put in a bad spot but also knowing we have no choice now. I know fans can be quite cruel sometimes but if I want to stay with Ayan, a denial now will only doom our future together.

"30% of the comments support you and in fact find you a cute couple. They are praising how Ayan looks more like an actor rather than a CEO. 50% of the comments are haters and antis. I don't have to tell you what they said, just know it isn't any good. 20% are not sure or don't have a particular opinion on your relationship. We can work with 30% and try to increase it, Sand. We can try to sway the 20% and hope some of those anti would also be eventually swayed if that's what you want cause I can already tell how your mind is running," appreciating the fact that I had told Beth the truth as soon as we went on tour, wanting her to be prepared if Aye comes around to visit. She was shocked but ultimately supportive, surprised to see the contrast between the Ayan in the office and the Aye I was dating.

"Then make sure the PR team knows that's what I want Beth. I'm not going to keep lying. It's tiresome and someday another paparazzi will take photos and post them. I can't keep doing this. I'll just come clean now and hope for the best," I told her.

"And if you loose your career over this?" she asked concerned but her voice also full of warning.

"I don't care. I'll go back to being a bar singer or finally put up that wine making business I've been dreaming about for a long time. I'm not pretending I don't love Ayan, If I make a denial now, I might as well admit we are over" I said in a tone that broke no argument.

"Alright, I'll see you in the office then," Beth said in resignation just as the sound of the shower running ended.

Picking up my own boxers and sitting on the bed waiting for Ayan, who came out already dressed in his CEO garb - suit and all. Looking so lost in his thoughts and so rattled, that it is a stark contrast to the usual cold, calculating CEO image he had cultivated in the office.

"I'm going to the office first," he said tightly, not even saying a word about the situation to me and avoiding my eyes.

"Ayan, what is going on?" I asked, my throat feeling so tight I could feel myself choking.

"I can't ruin your career, Sand," he said simply as if that alone is going to explain what the hell he is doing now.

"You are not ruining my career Ayan! In case you forgot we both wanted this. I'm here on my own accord. I made this choice too," I said through the gravel in my voice, already fearing what Ayan is thinking.

"Please leave and take your things when you go. We can't see each other for a while. I'll try my best to do some damage control," Ayan said, his shoulders sagging in defeat.

Scrambling towards him, holding his shoulders, "what do you mean?! Are you breaking up with me?!"

"Sand... please. I knew this was going to happen but I still let it go on. I can't ruin your life too like I did Akk's. I have to do all I can to save your career now. Can you please understand?" Ayan said, trying to hold on to his composure.

"What the hell Ayan! You can't just decide this on your own! We are in this relationship together. Why don't you ask me what I want? Didn't we say we'll talk about things when they get difficult? Didn't we promise to always communicate?" I said slightly shaking his shoulders, terribly upset and afraid that Ayan really meant what he just said.

"What do you want then?" he finally asked after a long pause, as if his life is drained off him and finally realizing he is in a checkmate.

"I want to admit our relationship!" I said forcefully.

"Are you crazy? You're flushing your career down the drain," Ayan argued.

"If that happens, so be it. I'm not denying my relationship with you. I won't," I responded firmly.

"But I can't let you do that. I can't watch your life crumble around you like I did with Akk," Aye tearfully said, his fear evident in the way his eyes are almost hollow and endlessly dark.

"What can't you understand Aye? I'm not Akk. I'll make my own decision and it is not to leave you. I'm not leaving you. I'm not going to even pretend to. I can't, I can't hurt you like that. If my career gets sacrificed in the process, then so be it. I can work. I have a strong body. I'll go back to singing in YOLO or start a small business. Just know that I'm not Akk who let you go. I'm Sand. I'll hold on to you no matter what the world will say about us," I made my stance clear, looking him in the eyes as he started crying.

"What if you'll hate me someday when you start regretting it?" Ayan said now, softly whimpering and I hugged him close to me. I know about his trauma and the hurtful words that Akk had said that had forever scared Ayan when he said he ruined his life.

"I won't, I never will and as long as I have you Aye, my life will never be ruined, you hear? So you go into that office and make sure you tell them we are admitting our relationship because if you even make a single peep about those pictures being fake, I'll post a statement myself or call a presscon and tell them about us. I'm not going to make negotiations on this. I'm sorry. You can use all my money to pay off the contracts that will be breached in the process. Just fucking let me make my own choice. I'll show you that I'm going to choose you over everyone and above anything," I held him tighter as he sobbed in my arms. Gently running my hand over his hair in reassurance, trying to get him to calm.

"Don't be afraid. We'll do this together. I love you Aye. Just stop running away from me because of your past. I'm your present and I want to be your future," I kissed his head as his sobs finally quieted down.

"Now you go down and make us breakfast, I'll shower as fast as I can and let's go fix this situation together. Alright?" I pulled away from him gently, looking him in the eyes. Despite my own apprehension, I wanted him to know I meant every word I said.

As I was about to walk into the bathroom, Aye called me in a soft voice.

"Yeah baby?" I said looking at him standing by the door uncertainly.

"I love you," he finally mutters.

"I know. I love you too. Now go make us that awesome avocado toast of yours," I smiled as I walked into the bathroom.

Quick Note from the Writer 💋

Hey SandAyan readers! How is everyone! 😊
I'm dropping to say only a few chaps left on this fanfic. 🥰

I hope you've had an awesome time reading the Rockstar & the Balladeer's story. 😍Leave me a comment if you've enjoyed this fic.🙏How do you think these two singers are going to end? 💋

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