Chapter 20: I'm Yours Until the World Ends

Start from the beginning

When Everyone finally stood up so we could go to my house for the drinks I offered, I told Akk that they can ride with me since Thua is obviously going to ride with Khan and Namo had already followed Wat outside.

Akk offered to drive and I let him, so I was left alone with Gaipa, waiting by the restaurant entrance.

"Nong Aye, you are the Ex Boyfriend of Akk aren't you?" Gaipa asked softly. Surprised that he knew this, I nodded and looked at him curiously.

"You are very handsome. No wonder Akk is crazy about you," he said softly.

Laughing, I said, "Thank you Gaipa. But unless you want me to start calling you Phi, do you mind just calling me Aye? I think a 2 year gap is alright for us to be comfortable with each other?"

"Oh of course," Gaipa shyly nodded and smiled back.

"To answer your question, yeah I am Akk's ex and he was crazy about me but not anymore. He seems to like someone else already," I teased the shy boy who had turned beet red at my insinuation.

"Oh... no no no, Akk and I are just friends," the poor guy is absolutely feeling tense now, so I held his shoulders and squeezed gently, urging him to relax. We are just about the same height so we can comfortably stand side by side.

"So are we, Gaipa. Are you worried? Maybe uncomfortable that he is friends with his ex? I'm sorry, I'll try to keep my distance," I gently reassured him. Not wanting him to be uneasy in my presence.

"Oh not at all Ayan. I was just curious, I'm sorry if it seemed that way," Gaipa apologized.

"Hey... none of that at all. It's perfectly fine. I lived in the US for a long time so I'm used to people being direct and I like it that way. You don't have anything to worry about between Akk and I. I can tell you like him a lot. Go for it Phi! Su su na!" I teased him while also looked him in the eye. Letting him know I meant every word. Glad to see that someone wants to make Akk happy because he deserves that, after all the hardships he had to go through alone.

"You... you think there's a chance he'll like me?" Gaipa asked timidly. Oh this charming boy doesn't even know how attractive he looks. He's also very kind and innocent. I'm pretty sure Akk would be charmed in no time.

"I do think he already does like you, just keep going, and again let me assure you that we are just friends now. High school was a long time ago, Gai. Akk deserves someone who adores him now like you do," I squeezed his hand reassuringly just as my car stopped where we are.

Opening the passenger door, I said, "Gai, you sit here with Akk. I want to be chauffeured by you two today."

"Ayan! Stop teasing Gaipa," Akk laughed from the driver's seat.

"I'm serious Akk. Come on, let's go," I gestured for Gaipa to take the passenger seat and he finally does, feeling shy but appreciative.

Akk and I spent the drive home discussing various topics, making sure Gaipa joins in and the shy boy is finally warming up to me and is more confidently contributing to the conversation.

I smiled at Akk when he glanced at the rearview mirror letting him know I approve of this kind hearted, smart man beside him.

Gaipa and I both teared up when we realized we both lost our mother's recently and I held and squeezed his hand gently when he offered his own to me when we realized we have the pain of loss and grieving in common. Akk had found himself a gem. He is the most genuine and trusting person I've ever met.

The rest of the guys are already laughing and sipping from their glass, and a number of drinks have been placed on the living room table. How could I forget that Thua has a key to my house after all. Khan handed all of us each a drink of our preference. Whiskey on the rocks for me and just beer for Akk. After asking Gaipa what he preferred, Khan also handed him the same beer he handed Akk. Ah... these two must be soulmates.

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