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"So, what do you know about why you're here?" asked Everett pleasantly.

"...I know I'm a tribute for the Black Queen," said Sable carefully. "And I know she takes a single tribute from every village and city in her kingdom..."

"...All right," said Everett, when Sable didn't continue. "First thing you should know: Don't call her the Black Queen. That's an insult. Only call her the Queen or the Empress. Or Her Majesty."

It was said so mildly that it took Sable a moment to grasp the seriousness of it. And when she did, she reeled back in horror!

"What! But everyone – ! I mean – !" She forced her mouth closed. If it was an insult, then what were all the villagers doing calling someone so dangerous that?!  Well, to hell with them. But she didn't want Ivy to die from the villagers' idiocy!

"I– I'm sorry! I didn't know! I mean, I just – I'm so sorry!"

"Lass, lass, it's fine!" said Everett, raising her voice till Sable stopped apologizing, even though her demeanor was quite mild. "This is why you girls stay inside the first day, lass. I doubt you're the only one with misconceptions and questions. We maids are here to answer your questions and correct those misconceptions. All right?"

Sable nodded thankfully, still reeling. She half expected the woman – however nice she was being – to clock her on the head so the lesson would stick. She couldn't believe she had been so casually thinking of "The Black Queen" as the Empress's title, when it had actually been an insult...

"Now, now, don't go quiet on me. There are no silly questions, I promise. Ask me whatever you wish, and I shall do my best to answer it and prepare you for what's to come, all right?"

Sable, for the life of her, couldn't read a single bit of ire or impatience in the woman's body language or expression. And she didn't know if she genuinely saw nothing there or if Everett was just better at hiding it and was secretly furious.

But then again, she had just told her that she was there to answer questions. And so far, she had been nice to her.

So this was her choice: Either Everett meant what she said and would help her – and Sable needed to take advantage of this to survive here...

Or, the niceness might not last much longer – In which case, Sable's best option was to try and take advantage of this for as long as it lasted.

So either way, her best bet was to take the offer to ask questions. Right now.

Sable jumped to the most important thing:

"Will you tell me... Why am I here? What is a tribute for?"

Everett smiled, though Sable thought there was a touch of...sadness there? But it was there and gone in a flash.

"Good question, Sable. But let me get you a meal first. And we can talk while you eat."

The Tributes (Sable)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें